💛 follow your heart 🚈

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Then, suddenly, just as Jake was getting ready to board the train---the train that would take him away from Rosemeadow and closer to his dreams---he stopped.

Hailey curiously watched from afar. She waited for him to check his pockets, his satchel, maybe make a call or text on his phone, something of the sort; possibly to let his family know he was getting ready to go, or maybe ask about a forgotten item, or maybe text Hailey another one of his corny jokes.

Or maybe he wasn't planning on doing that, and was only gonna check his bag to make sure he didn't forget his wallet again. Which Hailey knew he didn't. She'd triple-checked Jake's satchel for it that morning, knowing his inability to escape from his own forgetfulness.

God, she missed him already. And she was still looking at him.

She took a deep breath in, fighting down the tears that threatened to well up in her eyes. This was what Jake had always wanted, anyway---to leave Rosemeadow, get closer to the music industry, and pursue his long-lasting dream of stardom. This was what Jake deserved. And Hailey couldn't find words to describe her happiness for him. 

But she also couldn't help but feel like Jake's departure was a horrible, wrenching stab in the heart. And she hated how selfish that feeling was, and she wished that her overwhelming pride for him was all she felt about everything. But after spending so many years with Jake, with both him and her being so hopelessly in love with each other, and, hell, even starting to discuss marriage as of recent months---it was hard for Hailey to avoid the horrible emptiness that she knew Jake's absence would bring.

But he'll come back for holidays and all that, Hailey reminded herself, closing her eyes ever-so-gently so as to not accidentally give way to the waterworks that threatened to break into motion. And I just know he's gonna be calling me like crazy. It's not the end of the world. He's happy. 

I should be happy.

Hailey sighed, opening her eyes to the light of the train station---unprepared for the sudden calling of her name.

"Hailey! Hailey, hey!"

Hailey didn't even need to look to know who the voice belonged to---but she looked anyway.

And there---right in front of her, luggage in hand, running toward her like his life depended on it, gaining the brief and confused stares of nearly everyone he ran past---was none other than Jake.

He came back. 

Hailey didn't allow herself to hold on to any bit of the selfish hope that wanted to keep Jake in Rosemeadow, and immediately began sputtering her concerns.

"Jake, what's wrong? Why didn't you get on the train, did you forget something, or did something happen, or—?"

"I'm not going."

Hailey froze, incredulous.

"Wait, what? Why not?"

"I'm gonna stay home, Hailey. To be with you."

Hailey looked up at Jake, then at the train pulled into the station behind him. It would be leaving at any minute now.

And as much as she knew it would hurt, she couldn't waste any time getting him aboard.

"Jake, you don't have to do this. You don't have to stay back home for me, of all things." Hailey glanced back toward the train, trying to calculate how much time Jake had to board before it left. "It's just---I know that leaving Rosemeadow to follow your dreams has been what you've wanted for so long, and I—you know, I just want you to follow your heart and be happy."

"And that's what I'm doing now, Hails," Jake replied, breathless from his run to her only moments before. "I am following my heart. Because my heart says it wants to be with you."

Hailey went silent, devoid of speech and dry-mouthed. Her heart pounded with such a ferocity that she swore it could've torn right through her chest in that moment.

If she'd been told moments ago that this would be happening, she probably would've cried.


"I want to stay here, Hailey. I want to be with you. Because you're right, y'know, that it's always been my dream to go somewhere bigger than this. Show my music to the world. But I just can't do it without the band," Jake said, reaching forward and intertwining his fingers with Hailey's, "and I won't until maybe we all can someday, together. I don't just want to take opportunities as huge as these when it's just for me, I want it to be for all of us, you know? I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Jake squeezed Hailey's hands.

"And... you know, well, I love the band and all. I really, really, really do. They're like my second family and I wouldn't trade a single one of them for the world. But, I mean, when all things are considered—when I say I can't do this without the band, I really also mean that I just can't do this without you, Hailey. I want to be with you. I need you."

Jake pulled Hailey's hand toward him and kissed it. 

"I love you. Wherever you are, that's where I want to be. And, know what, I don't give a damn whether that means I end up with a record label in California or if that means I'm still doing gigs at home with the band, because as long as I get to be with you, that'll matter more to me than anything else ever will."

Hailey's nose began to redden and tingle, the tears she'd been fighting bubbling to her eyes.

"Jake," she whispered, her voice shaky with a stifled sob, "oh my god, I don't even know where to start. I don't know what to say."

Jake wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and pulled her close, his eyes beginning to glisten. Hailey's tears had always been contagious to him.

"You're everything to me, Princess," he whispered, rubbing her back in circles. "I love you so much."

Hailey sniffled, pulling away from the hug to look at her lover face-to-face.

"I love you more."


a/n: woohoooooo that was fun and self indulgent !! honestly maybe a little too sappy, but i've really wanted to write a scene like this for them for a good while now lol- it just took me a while to figure out how to go about it

probably gonna keep posting my random oneshots of them here (i have more coming), but if there's anyone reading this who would like to request something, pls pls pls feel free to shoot and i'll do it if i can!

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