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(I dont own one piece, I dont have that type of cash.)

"Hey guys, come look at this!" Luffy yelled from the top of the mountain. They had finally made it to Raftel, the last island in the grand line. The journey was long but the payout was worth it.

"Dont tell my he's saying what I think he's saying." Nami said under her breath. "I do believe he is, I cant believe I am here to see this." said Kaku, the newest member. He joined after witnessing the horrible things Rob Lucci did on Egghead island just to get a sense of justice. It was hard to convince everyone to let him join but he got Zoro's approval after witnessing his honorableness at Enies Lobby. That was enough to convince Luffy, though his job in the crew was less of being a swordsman and more of just being a sparring partner for Zoro.

All of the crew ran up after Luffy to witness a true sight to behold. A cave full of treasure, and not just dinky coins but crowns, chalices, stacks of Beli lay across the cavern. You cold see the joy in Nami's eyes witnessing this room of dreams.

"Holy shit guys we actually did it." Usopp said, jaw hanging down to the floor in shock. "I know right, this is amazing. But you also know what that means?" Luffy said with a huge grin plastered on his face. "You king of the pirate now huh." Zoro said, while slowly moving towards a huge barrel marked "Sake".  

"This requires a song!" Brook said while grabbing his Violin, didn't seems like the type of thing  that would fit a rock song. 

"I, Monkey D. Luffy, am now king of the pirates!" He yelled while standing triumphantly on top of a pile of gold.

(Welp that's the prologue, I know the inclusion of Kaku is kind of cringe but he's a good character and it sucks that he just goes back to being a cold heartless monster. Comments and criticism are welcomed. Thank you all for reading thus far, I promise the next chapter is what you came) here for.



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