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Walking next to Aisha I could feel my heartbeat going a thousand miles per minute. Today was the first day I'm going to be meeting her friends so my nerves were at an all-time high. Aisha and I were sisters, though our parents divorced when were five, I went to live with dad while Aisha stayed in Angel Grove with mom, and we managed to stay close to each other. After some begging, I finally convinced my dad to start my sophomore year at Angel Grove. I was super excited to see my sister again and be with her, but at the moment my fear outweighed that excitement.

"Ari, you're going to be fine. Everyone already loves you," Aisha laughs noticing the nervous look on my face.

I stop in my tracks as the slightly shorter girl turns to look at me, "Are you sure? I just don't just want to intrude on your friend group."

I still couldn't help as the nonstop questions swirled through my mind. What if her friends really didn't like me? They already have this tight-knit group, so why would they want to include someone they didn't know?

"Arielle, stop," She starts recognizing the look on my face. Sometimes I hate the fact that she knows me so well. "I swear they really do love you already. I talked about you nonstop."

That made me feel slightly better but the butterflies still floated around in my stomach. Walking into the school, I skittishly smoothed down my skirt as we made our way into the cafeteria. When we got to her friend's table I immediately took notice of their color coordination. Hopefully, this worked in my favor because I wasn't exactly the best at remembering names all the time. The group quickly took notice of Aisha and began talking to her while I kept to myself in the back; I didn't want to interrupt them from catching up with each other. I smiled at the way Aisha's face lit up when she talked with her friends, I was happy that she was able to make a lot of good friends.

"Hey, are you new here?" A boy questioned beside me. I turned to see it was one of the boys that were sitting in Aisha's friend group. He was wearing a black shirt and cargo shorts. He had black short curly hair and I couldn't help but notice how pretty his brown eyes were.

Blushing slightly, I realized that I haven't responded yet and he might've caught me staring. "Yeah," I laugh. "My name is Arielle. I'm Aisha's sister." I say as I hold my hand out.

"Adam." He responds taking my hand and I can feel my cheeks heat up more he must've felt the same way because he was blushing as well. "Aisha talks about you a lot. It's a pleasure to actually a face to the name."

Before I got a chance to respond we heard, "Wait did you just say Aisha's sister? I have been dying to meet you." The girl in pink squealed coming up to me.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly as Adam and Aisha showed me around the school. At lunch, I mentally kicked myself for having those thoughts this morning because everyone was super nice and made me feel very included. As the weeks went on by I felt myself becoming closer to the group, and I had to admit I was unintentionally becoming closer to Adam than everyone else. There was just something about him that made me feel drawn to him.

I had to admit though, the group was also pretty weird. At the oddest times, they would have something beep from their wrist and then disappear with a faint excuse.  When I tried to ask Aisha about it she explained the situation away, and I eventually just gave up knowing I'll find out sooner or later.



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Sighing in slight annoyance and defeat I found a nearby bench to sit on. "I can't believe I'm lost," I mutter to myself as I place my bag beside me. I was supposed to meet everyone at Ernie's but I took a wrong turn and ended up deep into the park. Not feeling like walking anymore I decide to pull out a book and began reading, but I couldn't even read half a page when these weird people with gray costumes on decided to attack me. I tried the best I could to fight them off when I got knocked down. 

Grunting in slight pain, I was ready for them to attack more when I heard more voices come closer. I look up to see 5 more people show up but instead they were in these colorful costumes. I watched in amazement as they fought off the ones in gray. I couldn't help but keep my eyes off the one in black. Standing up and not paying much attention to my surroundings, I bump into one of the ones in gray and they try to take me away. I tried to fight them off as much as I could but it just wasn't budging. 

"Hey! Get away from her!" A voice shouted out, kicking them away from me. I looked to who was my rescuer and I felt myself faintly blush. "You should go." He said, handing me my bag. Not able to speak, I just grabbed my stuff and ran not even realizing with all the fighting going on my necklace had come off.

 Not able to speak, I just grabbed my stuff and ran not even realizing with all the fighting going on my necklace had come off

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