Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31 The sour smell of love!

The people around dispersed, Chu Yun called to stop Zhang Dazhi: "Don't go home for a while, I'll explain to your parents."

Zhang Dazhi chuckled: "Mr. Chu, it's okay, I'm not afraid of Li Chunli. I have long disliked Li Dazhu. He comes to my house to eat and drink. He is also fierce and disgusting."

Chu Yun smiled: "Okay, if the adults ask you when you go back, let them come to me. Forget it, don't rush back, you and your sister will go to my house for dinner tonight."

Zhang Dazhi waved his hand: "I know, I know."

Zeng Hongling taught the first grade last year and the second grade this year. She is still Wang Mu's teacher. She told Chu Yun, "Zhang Dazhi is a bit naughty, but the child's nature is not bad."

Chu Yun nodded.

Li Dazhu was arrested by the police. Zhang Qiang and Li Chunli soon found out the news because the police went to their house.

My brother-in-law bullied Mr. Chu's children because he couldn't get into the finance school on the mountain, and even slandered Mr. Chu for letting his own back door? The expressions of the neighbors watching the excitement were like a hard slap on Zhang Qiang's face.

Li Chunli has always hated this younger brother. At this time, Li Dazhu was taught a lesson by an outsider. She didn't know what it was like: "Comrade Public Security, I'm sorry, I didn't know about this before. What do you think we should do?"

A policeman gave the couple a casual look: "You have to discuss this matter with Teacher Chu and apologize to Teacher Chu. If you handle it well, you will be released soon."

The husband and wife sent the police away, returned home, closed the door, and cut off the curious eyes of outsiders. Zhang Qiang tried his best to control his temper: "Li Chunli, your brother is really good."

Li Chunli was silent.

In the evening, the Wang family ate hot pot. Brothers and sisters Zhang Dazhi, Zhang Xiaohua, and Qian Xiaohu were all there. In order to cater for the children's taste, Chu Yun cooked a tomato pot specially, which suited the children's taste.

The family sat down to eat, and Wang Jianye picked up the chopsticks: "Is it so rich today?"

Chu Yun smiled at him: "I'm too busy in summer vacation, I just have time today, and our family has a good meal."

"These children are..."

Chu Yun said calmly: "I invited these children, thank you for helping Wang Mu today."

Wang Jianye looked at his eldest son: "What's wrong?"

Wang Mu just waited for his father to ask. When Wang Jianye asked, he poured out all the food: "Li Dazhu spit at me, it's so unhygienic, disgusting, and even called me a bastard."

Wang Lin stood up and took a meatball for his brother: "It's okay, I vomited it up for you. I vomited a lot."

Wang Mu looked disgusted: "Did you spit?"


Chu Yun picked up a piece of luncheon meat for each of them: "It's time to eat, you can shut up now."

Zhang Dazhi, Zhang Xiaohua, and Qian Xiaohua picked up their bowls and ate hard. They had never eaten such a delicious hot pot, and their mouths were so busy that they had no time to talk.

Chu Yun ate slowly. She was half full when she was half full. The children opposite her were full. They leaned on the chair, hugged their stomachs, and looked like they still wanted to eat.

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