Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41 A group of bosses came to investigate!

Zhou Mian was transferred to Jiangdong County, and the school could only allocate him a dormitory for the time being. Zhou Mian did not live in it, but moved into the family courtyard of the tax bureau.

Li Xianglan is now the deputy director of the Taxation Bureau, and her work unit gave her a house with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. It is quite suitable for the couple to live together.

Li Xianglan took Chu Yun to visit: "The house in our unit was built in the 1960s, and it is quite small, the largest is only two bedrooms and one living room."

Chu Yun joked: "You, deputy director, can't you change to a big house with two bedrooms and one living room?"

"Tch, what's the big deal? It's a little bigger than my one bedroom and one living room, but there's no toilet or kitchen in the house, and they've all been moved to the corridor, so we can have an extra bedroom in the house."

Chu Yun nodded: "The kitchen and toilet are outside, so it's really inconvenient."

"Look, I know you'll say the same."

Housing is relatively tight in this era, so in order to live in a more spacious home, everyone is willing to move the kitchen to the corridor, so that the kitchen can be used as another room.

Chu Yun recalled her previous life and listened to the older generation talk about ancient times. Now the city is already so crowded. After the resumption of the college entrance examination, the educated youths who have been sent to the countryside will gradually return to the city, and the housing in the city will be even tighter.

If it was someone else, Chu Yun would remind them to save more money and buy a house when the house can be sold publicly, but Li Xianglan doesn't need it.

If her career develops well, will she still lack a house to live in?

Zhou Mian shouted in the kitchen: "It's ready to eat."

Chu Yun pulled Li Xianglan: "Let's go, your teacher Zhou's meal is ready."

Li Xianglan smiled sweetly: "He's been cooking at home for the past few days, and he hasn't even asked me to wash a bowl."

"Okay, I know you're living a happy life. Teacher Zhou loves you so much, so you should treat him better."

"Then I will definitely not treat him badly. From now on, we will work together as a husband and wife. When I am transferred back to the city like Director Sun, we will prepare to have a baby. In the future, I will be busy working outside, and Mr. Zhou will take care of the child after get off work."

Chu Yun glanced at her: "Hey, is the arrangement good? Your teacher Zhou agrees?"

Zhou Mian still wore an apron around his waist, and came out with a pot of bean sprout soup: "I agree, I support whatever Pandan does."

Chu Yun had goosebumps, the newlyweds really couldn't afford to mess with them.

Wang Jianye scooped up the meal for her: "Come and eat quickly, we will take a walk home after eating."

Chu Yun went to sit down, ready to eat: "Yes, eat early, take my son for a walk after eating, I don't know how much meat I have gained this winter, and my face is plump, like the stupid son of a landlord's family."

Li Xianglan chuckled: "Have you ever said that about your own son?"

"I don't want to say it yet, just look at them." Chu Yun winked.

😊 '70 Mother Raising CubsWhere stories live. Discover now