Day 1

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"Shinichi! Wake up already!" I heard a loud knock on the door. Ugh, is too early for a morning lecture.

I got up and stared at my palms. 'Today I'm going to school at last' I thought as I saw the sunrise reaching my windows.


I changed into my uniform. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shiba Shinichi, 17 years old. Senior at Jumonji Academy.

"Shi-nii! Mama is already in bijuu mode! You'd better get down here!" Oh no..this is bad.

"Okay! Going down now!" I shouted back. I hate it when mom's in bijuu mode/angry, she acts all crazy!

I'm running downstairs when I saw my little sis. She is Ayumi, she might be young but she's a chess master! I might as well as let her teach me sometimes.

"Morning lil sis!" I said then lifted her. She as black hair like mine and white skin. The genes.

"Shi-nii! You'd better get over the dining room." She said while pointing where the room is. Uh oh.

"Mom! Good morning!" I shouted feeling nervous. After years of being trapped within white walls and white sheets, I'm finally free.

"Oh! You finally decided to get your ass here eh my son?" She sad while holding a fork. He-he-he.

"Ahh.. Yeah. Well where is dad?" I asked we usually have breakfast together.

"He has a meeting with a client so he's out early." Seems like she's calmed down. Sigh.

"Shi-nii! You'll be late already! You still have to walk me to school! You promised!" She said climbing to my lap. Ahh..little sisters are so cute yet so annoying.

"Ahh right! Okay, let's go!"

"Shi-nii, why do people die?" I'm surprised with her sudden question. We are now walking hand in hand.

"Well... People die because they are too good and God doesn't want them to be tainted by evil. I guess.." Her question made me wonder too. Why do people die?

"Onee-san said people die so that better ones can live." Well she has a point. Wait, who's onee-san? Well nevermind. Being a stupid brother I agreed with her.

"Hahaha! She's right! Tell her that I said thanks for teaching you." I patted her head then pinched her cheeks.


"After 2 years of absence, Shiba Shinichi is here with us again." I feel so nervous standing in front of my classmates, I can't remember them clearly.

"Uhmm..good to be back." I said while my head down. Ughhh its embarassing.

"Sensei! Why did he become a senior? He was absent for 2 years." That hit me hard. Why did I even become a senior?

"Shinichi-kun has perfected all the test from the last 2 years but his records were not posted because of personal reasons." Whew! Nice save sensei!

"Tch. Spoiled brat."

"That's enough Kira-kun!" Shouted Kijima-sensei.

"Shinichi-kun, go seat beside Hana-san. Hana-san do you mind?" My eyes scanned the room for this girl named Hana but I can't seem to remember her.

"I don't mind Kijima-sensei." I saw her sitting near the window at the very end. What is that weird hair of hers? It's all over her face.

"Ohhh.. Shinichi be careful, Hana might take stolen photos from you~" The whole class booed at her. I don't really care about that, I'm more concern about Hana-san. Why are they like that to her?

"Okay now, before I'll end homeroom, I need someone to represent our class for the Mr. and Ms. Jumonji Academy next 2 weeks." Ugh..I want to go home or go to Ayumi and play with her. Yep I have a brother complex.

"Karin-chan should be the candidate and Hidemoto!" Shouted one of my classmates. Although I can't remember their names, I'm familiar with the faces. Hidemoto-san is your typical good looking guy and Karin-san seems to be the popular type.

"I'll be the candidate as long as Shinichi-kun will be my partner." Karin-san said as she stood up. Wait..What!? Me!?

"Uhm-! " i was cut off when Sensei shouted. "Okay that settles it! Karin-san and Shinichi-kun will be our candidates! Meet me after school at the teacher's office."



After the homeroom the 1st to the 4th subject came by fast and now it's lunch. I only have yakisoba and milk tea.

"Why do people die?" That question came to my mind again. As I look for a place to eat.

"Dying is in the nature of humans. Sometimes, the living person isn't enough to fill the voids of other people that's why he must die so that a better person can live." I turned around and saw Hana-san. Then she sat beside me carrying her bento.

"I'm Eiyou Hana. Nice to meet you, seatmate-san." She said then started eating her bento.

"uhmm..why are you here? Where are your friends?" I asked. Cuz you know! Its not kind of normal for a high school girl to don't have friends right?

"Im here to eat. You heard them right? Im branded as a freak, so no one wants to befriend me. Its okay, even if Im alone, atleast Im not with fake people." I didn't notice that she finished her bento already. She stood up, letting her long black hair sway in the wind.

She started to walk away and I was left stunned with her words. I thought I was the only one who suffered.

Then there she was looking fine but suffering inside.


Hi guys! new story again! How's the prologue? Hope y'all liked it! I'll do my best on the next chap!

Titan hugs to you guys!


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