chapter one - the seance

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I don't own any of the characters the characters and some of the plot is from misfits and from the umbrella academy.
I recommend you watch it before reading.

Simon and Nathan were now an official couple. They loved each other. They told each other everything, but one...
Nathan hadn't told Simon about his real self. Well not exactly... His real self is who he is now... But he hadn't told him about who he secretly is.
He stayed in London to be with Simon. But anytime Reggie needed him he had to go, without explaining... But it was ok for Simon, as long as Nathan is not doing something that's dangerous for even his immortal self.

Whenever he had some free time, Simon would watch all sorts of videos about his favourite superhero, the seance. The seance had the power to see and communicate with ghosts. He used to think if any one would ever notice him it would be him. That was before Nathan. But he is still kind of obsessed with him. old habits die hard I guess. But to make sure Nathan doesn't laugh at him for being obsessed with a hero, and make him be jealous about it. He never talks to him about it.

Today Nathan had to go without explaining again. So Simon watched some stuff on his computer. When he got a notification that the seance is in a live battle right now in London!
And according to the internet it will take some time before backup gets there to help. So he can actually watch him fight!!!
It was quite close to where he lives. So he ran there to see his hero in real life.

When he got there the fight was still going. Now he can see his hero fight!

At first everything was going normal. But the seance looked at the crowd through his mask to make sure everyone are safe, and then he saw Simon , he stared at him for a few seconds. He looked terrified...
Those few seconds were all it took for the villain to take a knife and stab him right in the chest. There was no coming back from that without immortality.....
The seance was dead...
Just as the villain laughed at his lifeless body, space boy got there. He saved the crowd. But was too late for his brother...

Simon was shocked... And sad... Why did the seance lose his focus?!?! Why was he staring at him with that look that was visible even through his mask?!?!?!

"I can't believe it... He is actually gone.... I won't see him again..." Simon said to himself on the way home.

While Simon felt horrible about it all and wished that he could at least talk to Nathan. Luther, 1, space boy, had taken the seance's body to some abandoned building he saw close by. He was devastated... His brother is gone.... Or so he thought.

All of a sudden Klaus jumped up gasping for air. Luther yelled like a little girl 🤣🤣🤣🤣

"Klaus! You're alive! H-how?!?!"

"Jeez calm down and stop yelling! Have you never seen an immortal guy before?!?! Oh wait, right... You hadn't...."
"You're immortal?!"
"Yeah apparently I always have been..."
"I have to tell dad!!"
"He knows already dummy!! He knew it and didn't even bother to tell me!"

"Oh... Well anyway, congratulations on finding your power... And congratulations to both of us for winning the fight."
"What time is it?"
"I have to go then, someone is waiting for me."
"Are you seriously not going to rest after what just happened?!"
"No time to."

He went back to the community center, where he was still living since Simon was living with his family..., Simon was waiting for him there. Luckily he was already fully healed so no explanation necessary.
"Hey. What are you doing here? Did you come to have-"
Before he finished talking Simon said,
"I saw the seance die today..."
Nathan sat down next to him and  hugged him.
"I couldn't do anything... Even though his power isn't fit for fighting, he still fought bravely, but I was too much of a coward to do anything...." Simon said crying. " His fight was going well, till he saw me. When he saw me he lost focus. Like he knew I'm a coward."
"You are not a coward!!! You are as brave as can be!!!"
"Do you really believe that?..."
"I really do. You are far braver than him! He was taught all his life how to be a super hero, you hadn't had anything like that ever and you still want to help. That's what matters."
"Yeah right..." Simon laughed.
Nathan kissed him on his forehead and said,
"I don't care what you think, but for me you'll always be the best hero ever." They hugged some more before falling asleep together.

The next morning, Simon woke up alone. Where was Nathan?
"Nathan?" He looked for him but he wasn't in the community center....
'Maybe he is doing something... I'll see him at the community service...' he thought.
At the community service Nathan was still no where to be found. Simon called him and kept on looking for him but he couldn't find him. The next day at community service he decided to report this as a missing persons case.

In the morning Nathan woke up first. He kissed Simon and went to get some food for them.
As he was kicking the vending machine, Luther suddenly appeared, it kind of scared Nathan...
"Don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Klaus, you have to come back..."
"What? What are you talking about?..."
"Dad said it's time to announce that you are immortal."

"Wait! No!!! I can't! If my friends see this they'll know who I am for sure!!!"
"You have too.... Dad said so..."
"I-I.... Fine...... But let me at least give this to my friend!" Luther isn't aware of Klaus having a boyfriend, none of them do.

Gosh I think it's horrible... But hopefully no one else who reads this does...
Thank you for reading this ❤️🥰❤️🥰
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