Chapter One - The Library

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It was a cold morning in Manhattan, and Eurydice was walking down Madison Ave, to get to the Morgan libary. She checked the small, golden watch around her wrist, and her eyes lit up in shock.»Oh no«, she thought,»I can't be late on my first day!« The people around her looked at her weirdly, as she tried to run, while she almost dropped her tote bag. »I knew I should have gotten up earlier, I just knew it!« Even tho it was just the first of November, it was already freezing out, and white clouds of steam escaped her mouth, while Eurydice was going faster and faster. Luckily she wasn't a bad runner, so she made it there just on time. Hoping she wasn't going to be fired on her first day she entered through the small gate of the library.

(This is Morgan Library btw, yes it's real look it up)

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(This is Morgan Library btw, yes it's real look it up)

He was sweeping the floor as she entered. She tried to close the door normally, but the doorknob slipped through her fingers and it slammed shut. Terrified by the loud noise, Atticus looked up in shock. He looked at the old lady standing in the doorway. »Oh, excuse me, Ma'am. We don't open until 10:30. I'm sorry, but you'll have to come back later.« »Really? I thought you already opened, it's 11 o'clock.« »No sorry, it's only 9 am.« »Huh, I guess my watch broke down during this cold weather. No worries I'll just come back later.«
After the old woman left, Atticus got back to sweeping the floor. This early in the morning on a Saturday , there wasn't much noise around, so he started humming a tune. Completely carried away, he didn't hear her enter.

Eurydice stepped into the big entrance hall. She took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the building to the fullest. She took a big breath in and out and closed her eyes for a second. As she was standing there enjoying the quiet, she was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts, as she heard someone humm a melody. The tune was not extraordinarily good, but something about it drew her in. Her mind started to go blank, the only thing in it was this sound. Unintentionally her legs started moving towards it, through the big halls. She grabbed onto her bag tightly, as she passed a corner, and there he was. His back was facing her way, even tho Eurydice couldn't see his face she felt something strange, something she had never experienced before this very moment. She just stood there, unable to move. »God, pull it together, girl,« she thought, »you work here now, so just go.« She pulled together all the strength that she had left after her little run and said: »Uhm, excuse me?« He turned around. He had a well defined face structure and red hair. There was something about him. Maybe his presence? Or something else? »Oh, were not opened yet.«, he interrupted the silence. »No, I know. But this is my first day here and they told me to be here by 9. I'm Eurydice.« They looked at each other, Eurydice played nervous with her hazel hair. He did the same, it was a little pathetic. This moment of silence was broken when he said: »Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Atticus, nice to meet you.« He came towards her, and gave her his hand to shook, which she did. It was like electricity passed through they're bodies as they took each others hand. He quickly pulled his away, so did she. »The managers room is just around the corner, I think you should talk to him.«, Atticus said. »Oh yeah. Thank you.« And with that, Eurydice turned away from him and left. »God, that was so weird.«, Atticus thought. For a second he stood there, wondering what just happened, but then he got back to sweeping and forgot all about this, well, most.

Eurydice stood before a wooden door with a gold plate on it. It said "manger". »I guess this is it.« She turned the round and golden Doorknob to the managers office and was instantly greeted, loudly. »Well, well, if this isn't our new part time worker.« »Uhm, yes. Hi, I'm Eurydi-«, but she was interrupted. »You're late.« »I know, I'm so sorry.« »Around here, that's unacceptable. Be on time, always!« Eurydice just nodded her head fast, because he kind of scared her. »Now get to work. There are books that need to be sorted into shelves.« »Of course, I'll get right to it.« Then she turned around quick and gladly left. »This is only my first day, and I already fucked up. God, I'm stupid.«, she thought. As she walked though the hallways, she didn't pay enough attention.

Atticus was done sweeping, or at least he thought it looked clean, in the end, no one cared anyways. So he made his way to the supply closet, to put the broom back. Atticus started humming a tune again. It relaxed him. He had already forgotten all about the girl. But not for long, because suddenly someone bumped into him and they both fell to the ground. »Oh my god, I'm so, so sorry. Let me help you.« It was the girl from earlier. What was her name again? Ah yes, Emma, or something like that. He stood up by himself and ignored her trying to help. »Watch where you're going.« He picked up the broom and left, without even looking at her.

» Well, that was rude.«, she thought, »what an asshole.« But she had bigger things to worry about, like the books that needed to be sorted in. So Eurydice turned around and left.

She grabbed book after book and put in on any shelve, where she thought it fitted. »This is soooo boring. Why would you ever take this job, Eurydice? There are so many more exciting ways to make money out there. God, I'm stupid.« She kept on muttering stuff like that to herself, then she heard steps behind her. She turned around quickly. Oh no, it was the manager! »We're almost opened. Are you done?« She looked in the cart where the books where. »Just a few to go.« »Well, hurry up!« »I will, sir.« The manager turned around and left. She sighed in relive. »Oh boy, you're fucked.« Eurydice looked to her right. There was a girl leaning onto one of the shelves. Her hair was tied half back and it had blue highlights in it. Eurydice didn't even noticed her, when did she got there? »And you are?«, Eurydice asked. »I'm Ivy, I worked here for a year. What 'bout you?« »I'm Eurydice, this is my first day.« »Yeah, I guessed. Come on, I'll show you around.«, Ivy said, with a grin on her lips. Eurydice looked at the books in front of her. »I'd love to, but I'm not finis-«, Ivy interrupted her promptly. »It doesn't matter, it's not like anyone really cares.« Before Eurydice got a chance to disagree with her, Ivy grabbed her by the sleeve of her sweater and pulled her away. »Come on!« And with that, she got an exclusive tour of the Morgan library. And a new friend.

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