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The losers sat inside of Bill Denbrough's basement, a regular hangout spot for their odd group. They were all watching the last few minutes of Back to the Future. This movie was of course chosen by none other than Bill who was currently watching in surprise as if he's never watched the movie before.

"We've watched this movie a million times Bill." Beverly pointed out. "It's a g-good movie." Bill defends."Bill it stopped being a good movie after the first 3 times we watched it." Richie said. "Th-then why didn't y-you say something wh-when I was p-putting it in?" Bill stuttered out. "Bill we tried. But you said it was your turn to pick the movie and you're choosing that one whether we like it or not." Stan said. Bill crossed his arms and slumped back on the couch with a face that was trying to look mad but he just looked like a toddler who just got put in timeout.

"So who's turn is it next to pick a movie tomorrow?" Mike asked. "Oh it's mine!" Eddie said excitedly. "Oh lord." Richie muttered while standing up. "What trashmouth?" Eddie questioned. "We all know what movie you're gonna pick." Richie laughed as he lit a cigarette. "What's wrong with the movies I pick?" Eddie asked defensively. "Oh nothing. Except all the movies you pick are shitty rom-coms." Richie said while taking a puff from his cigarette. "That is not true!" Eddie exclaimed as he stood up. "Oh really? When was the last time you didn't pick a chick flick?" Richie said with an amused smile. "They're not chick flicks you asshole and also I don't wanna hear it because all the movies you pick are horror movies." Eddie said with his arms crossed over his chest. "That's just simply not true Ed's. I also choose comedy and a tad bit of action in the mix." Richie winked, taking a puff of his cigarette. "Oh my god Richie you're such a smartass." Bev laughed walking towards the lanky boy, snatching the half smoked cigarette and taking it for herself. "It's my best quality Marsh." Richie smiled. Bev rolled her eyes as they shared the cigarette. As the night went on they talked, laughed, wrestled, and they even went outside once.

Once the night was over everyone went their way to their houses. Eddie rode with Richie as always. Richie turned 16 in March and got his license a month later. Even tho Eddie turned 16 first, his mother never let him get a permit. It's okay for Eddie though. He enjoyed riding with Richie in his 87' GNX. They rode to Eddie's house with baby got back softly playing on the local radio station.
"Richie, why the hell are we listening to local radio when you have a cassette player in this thing?" Eddie asked. "Because I haven't put a cassette in their Eds." Richie replied. "Well can I look through the ones you have?" Eddie asked. "Sure." Richie said as he opened the glovebox to reveal about 17 different cassettes. Some of them albums and then a few mixtapes made by the tall boy.

Richie was a very complex human when it came to the music he listened to. He listened to just about anything. From Cyndi Lauper to Paul McCartney or bands like Aerosmith to bands like Bon Jovi and Queen. You never know what you're gonna get from Richie. It's all just very Richie. After looking through the mess of cassettes he decided on the one Richie made with him. It had all of their favorites. It slowly goes from Richie's taste to Eddie's in a gradual pattern. Starting with artists such as Freddie Mercury and Bowie and ending with artists like Elvis and Paul Anka. Eddie popped it in the radio and the song 'fat bottom girls' began to play.

"So what movie are you gonna pick this time?" Richie asked Eddie. "It's a surprise." Eddie replied.
Richie chuckled. "What asshole?" Eddie said.
"Nothing it's just I already know what you're gonna pick." Richie smiled. "Oh yeah...what is it then?" Eddie smirked. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Richie replied. Eddie's jaw dropped slightly. "How did-" Eddie began. "It's the only movie that you know everyone likes and it's the only somewhat scary movie that doesn't make you wanna shit your pants or vomit." Richie said. Eddie rolled his eyes and leaned back into the seat with his arms crossed over his chest. Soon after they arrived at Eddie's house. "Here's your humble abode my dear Eddie spaghetti." Richie said with a terrible british accent. Eddie rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that." Eddie said as he got out. "Sorry Eds, no can do. Hey tell your mom I'll see her tomorrow I kinda cancelled our little 'appointment' tonight." Richie smirked.
"Ew dude don't talk about my mom like that that." Eddie said with a grossed out face. "Goodnight Eds." Richie laughed. "Goodnight trashmouth." Eddie said back as he shut the car door to quietly creep into his house. Richie drove home after making sure Eddie was inside safely.

It was only 8:30 and his mom was in the middle of making dinner and was washing dishes to pass the time. "Hey mom." Richie greeted his mother. "Hey sweetheart." His mother smiled. "How was your day?" She asked. "It was good just hung out with the losers. How was yours?" Richie said getting a cup down from the cabinet. "Long is what it was. The washer crapped out on me again so I had to go the laundry mat in town where I overheard two grown women talking poorly about your friend Beverly." Maggie said as she continued washing dishes. "What we're they saying?" Richie asked. "Oh they were talking about how she only hangs out with boys and saying things like she is doing stuff with all of you boys." Maggie said rolling her eyes. Richie chuckled in amusement. "Well she's definitely not doing stuff with anyone other than Ben, which isn't a lot." Richie said as he took a drink of water he got from the tap. "It's sad. That girl goes through hell at home and those grown women have the audacity to sit and trash a 16 year old girl." Maggie said with annoyance clear in her voice. "What'd you say to em'?" Richie asked leaning on the counter. "I said, 'you have a lot of nerve talking like your daughters are any better.'" Maggie said. "Bet they weren't happy to hear that." Richie laughed. "No actually they tried making me look stupid. Acting like they weren't bashing a teenager. You don't see me over here gossiping about how your sweet Greta and Sally were caught with drugs by the sheriff himself." Maggie said as she dried off her hands on a dishcloth hanging by the oven. Richie laughed and continued talking with his mother.

Richie's father soon arrived home after a long day at work. He kissed his wife on the cheek and patted Richie on the head. They all had dinner and talked about their days. Wentworth talked about how the people he worked with were far too miserable looking. "You work in a damn dental office and you're looking around like there's shackles on you and you can't leave whenever you want." Wentworth concluded. "Maybe they just need to get laid. Poor bastards probably haven't gotten any in years." Richie said as he ate. "Language." Maggie said. Richie enjoyed dinner with his family. They're very open with one another and it's interesting for him to hear how they spent their days and what they've encountered and witnessed all in a day. He loved how close he is with his family. Most of his friends don't have conversations or joke with their parents. Eddie doesn't because it's, well...his mom, Bills parents are too focused on other things, Ben is too involved with reading and other stuff, Richie isn't too sure about Stan's parents, and Bev is too scared of her dad to even look at him.

After dinner Richie helped his mother with the remaining dishes and went upstairs to shower. He picked up his boombox and grabbed a cassette that had the words 'shower' in big blue letters. He popped in the cassette and got in the shower. He danced and sang to the music as he showered. When he got out he brushed his teeth and briefly brushed his hair and went to his room.

He dug in his Jean pockets from earlier and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. His parents didn't know he smoked. Well as far as he knows. He doesn't necessarily hide it so mayn they do and just haven't said anything. He pulls one out and lights it.  The first puff he takes always gives a slight burn though not as much as it used to when he first started smoking two years ago. He walks over to the window so his room don't smell like cigarettes.

After he finished off his cigarette, he crushed it against the window pane and threw it in the trashcan. He laid in his bed with The Outfield playing on low volume. He feels his eyelids droop and he falls asleep.

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