Camp Qin Jinhai

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If you think your one of us. Don't. Forget everything about this completely. Close this and never open it ever again. If your just a normal teenager. Great. Amazing, Believe none of this happened for if you believe its true, your mortal heart will be crushed.

I've been here longer than I can remember, all I know is that I'm the son of the Chinese god of Ocean, Longwang, otherwise known as the Dragon King. There are only 100 or so of us in the camp, but our camp is still full of kindness, a lot of us feel protected and homey here, even if we can only go in the summer, our roots are still in China, but most of the gods has moved over to the other side of Canada, in the heart of Ontario. Some of us even say that in America there are camps of other people like us, but with different origins.

Most of us die young, in fact none of us even wanted to be a demigod, we just wanted to be normal teenagers. But nope, instead of the normal lifestyle, we had to fight monsters, save the world, but otherwise, this was relatively peaceful.

"Hey! DongHai! Come over here!" One of my fellow campers said. As I jogged over I saw a massive horde of the terracotta army. I sighed because almost everyday the terracotta army shows up, and we need to defeat them day after day. It also means the people on the quest to close the entrance to the Chinese underworld haven't succeeded yet. Hopefully they are still alive, our camp director, JinHai prepared for the terracotta army's attack, they never change though, they always use that one strategy. We can almost get to the point where no one gets hurt. Occasionally, we get a few scratches or two. lately, we have been struggling a bit, the terracotta army slowly but surely keeps on enlarging. I rush to my line where I'm supposed to protect, and brace for battle. Roars of the Chinese Demigods when they charge forward is music to my ears, the person to my right, is wading through the terracotta army, slicing one after another, a terracotta soldier almost is able to stab him but he jumped back in the nick of time and saved himself. As the Son of the God of Water, I could summon huge waves of water. So I did, huge columns of water blasted into the terracotta army, just then another wave blasted from my right, I wasn't particularly surprised, mostly because that was my twin sister. Chang YuanJun "I thought you might need some backup!" She said cheerfully, I may or may not have said go ahead, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, because she literally surged forward and became a literal tornado knocking any Terracotta soldiers a few meters back. The terracotta army began to retreat. Not much damage has been done, but one camper looked so battered he didn't even look like a camper. But he was rushed to the infirmary, so they should be okay. We had a council meeting, the campers who went to America to see if the other demigods really existed. Turns out, they do really exist. Some of our search parties saw them fighting weird monsters. Looking for strong allies against the Terracotta army, which was getting stronger by the day, the Chinese council sent me, my twin, and 50, almost half of us to be dispatched to America to get into contact with the Greeks. 

And just like that, the whole day was on preparing supplies and food for the 50 demigods. The fact that half of us were leaving, the other half that was staying were almost pale, most of the camps strongest fighters were on the "go find other demigods party" and they knew it. On top of that, half of our camp = half of our supplies, desperate to change that, the other half of the camp that were staying went out foraging. Some of them even went down to the city to buy supplies. We don't even go to the city that much, we are way to scared to interfere with mortal affairs. Last time we did... well... all you need to know was that it did not go well. "whoooo whoooooo" The owl above us called. That signaled for night, so the campers rustled back to there cabins. I sat down, tucked myself in, and hopes for peaceful dreams. Hint. Demigod dreams are almost never good. Another Hint. It did not go well, this dream.

"I heard that the mythical Chinese 'Demigods' are coming tomorrow." Said the person in a orange t-shirt. 

"Really? I wonder how alike we are, do they have mythical monsters? Will they attack us? I better speak with Clarisse to come up with a battle plan just in case..." Said the other person in a orange t-shirt. Wait, no all of them have orange t-shirts- Umm let's call this girl who just talked blondie with gray eyes. 

"But what if they're friendly?" said the first person who spoke, Let's call this person... Sea green eyes! Oooo we have the same color eyes. I wonder if he's the son of the sea god in Greek mythology. 

"Can I set up traps then?" said a 3rd person. "No Travis, we need to find out if they are friendly or not first," said Sea green eyes. 

"Awww mannnnn" said this Travis person. "So we are just gonna let them come to our camp?" blondie said. "Yep." said Sea green eyes.

 "Percy! What if they attack us?" 

"Uhhhhhhh" "ooh I know, ask the romans!" Percy said, 

"You actually said something smart for once." Blondie muttered 

"HEY I HEARD THAT!" Percy yelled. 

That, my dear friend, is our first glimpse of the Greek demigods...

Okay maybe that wasn't a nightmare...

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