The not-so-epic search

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Maybe I over exaggerated the title, it was basically just walked around the city, hoping to find some sort of clue, so we were walking down the street, and suddenly these random people, jumps in and has the nerve to grab me by the shoulder and drag me into the alleyway, anyways, my twin was right on our tail but when she got to me they started talking with them! I'm being kidnapped and they're just chatting! "Sir my apologies, but there was a lot of monsters over there, I had to drag you."

"Monsters? How do you know what those are???" I asked, holding my bruised arm, seriously a little lighter couldn't hurt?

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help but see that you and the girl were wielding weapons and those monster creatures." "I was hoping that you could maybe get rid of them cause they look sort of scary." The people muttered.

"Yeah sure! My sword practice is getting wacko!" My twin chirped, however I was not so optimistic, after all we had missing Demigods we needed to find! But, I guess we could have a little fun, we jumped out of the alleyways like cool ninjas, when my twin landed gracefully, I face planted onto the ground, she gave me her hand, I sat up, and we charged towards the monsters, just me and my twin, just like the old days, I engaged with this monster, it only took me a few seconds to identify what it was, it was a breed of the nian, yes, the monster that appears on Chinese new year and hates red, because of the seal between the underworld had broken, the nian could come and go as it pleases. It's actually a different offspring of what you call 'unicorns'  and tigers, yes I know, your fantasy is immediately shattered, I'm sorry but its the truth. 

The nian is a hideous beast believed to feast on human flesh on New Year's day. Because nian feared the color red, loud noises, and fire, red paper decorations, lanterns, and massive drums, firecrackers would be used to scare it away, but we just hack it back to the underworld, the nian in front of me lunged in for the attack, I only barely rolled out of the way, and jumped up ninja style, this time I didn't stumble so I thrust my trident into the nian's belly who actually, stumbled. "Imagine stumbling, couldn't be me." I muttered under my breath. 

"But you did stumble?" My twin said, obviously had overheard me, the other monster that she was fighting was already in the underworld.

"Sarcasm, Sarcasm, Ms. Oblivious."

"Am not."

"Yes you are."

And just like that we were bickering again, I couldn't believe that we were related by blood. "Hey look there!" My twin smacked me and pointed somewhere. So I looked over. "Hah! Made you look!" and ran off, see I told you, annoying, anyway, I chased up to her and tackled her, earning some weird looks from mortals passing by, I quickly got up and helped her up, and we walked towards the city center, where we hoped to finally get some clues, the town center looked cool, the big water fountain stood mighty and tall, water spouted out and in, the aquamarine bricks shone as bright as day, the water was crystal clear, truly an amazing sight. Just then, another of our dragons landed on top of the fountain, and a demigod slid off.

"Sir!" "We have located the missing demigods, and we were sent to tell everyone, but we only know where you were and we were hoping to ask you for the rest of the demigods coordinates."

"Oh yeah sure here, a piece of paper with all of them on there."

"Thank you by the way, the place where they are kept is right in the heart of Qinghai, China. Please, they need our aid. Will you try to be faster?" He asks, and then salutes to us and continues his way delivering the message.

"You heard him! C'mon let's go!" I say, dragging my twin over back to our dragon and set off for Qinghai, China."

Chang Donghai and the Chinese DemigodsWhere stories live. Discover now