Survival/Taiju's Revival

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(yes I finally got motivation to update)

S: For awhile it has been easy, but hard. I managed to make clothing out of leaves and vines. Not the most efficient but it'll have to work for now.  Senku set off to begin building. His mind only set on the current day. The past was put behind him, all he knew that no matter how long it took, he was going to rebuild civilization.

Month(s) passed, living has been a hassle but I have made progress. (And better clothes) The shelter is nearly completed. We need a miracle fluid to revive the people we can for the revival civilization. When will that meat head wake up? Need some brawn rather than brains over here.

To Taiju: I can't remembered how long it's been, perhaps a few thousand years? I need to stay awake, for Yuzuriha! Come on Taiju! Wake up wake up wake up!! "GAHHH! I DID IT... IM AWAKE!!" Though moments later he noticed the difference, where was everything? Why were there soo many statues.. Wait are these real people? Some time passed he managed a quick cover-up clothing and he noticed some clues from.. Senku? Senku was alive and somewhere!! He followed the clues till  he arrived at a.. home? If he could call it that in a tree.

S. "It was about time that meat head woke up and came to his senses." Senku came and stood on the platform outside his laboratory.

T. "Senkuuu!!!" Taiju cried out as Senku came down. He basically jumped onto Senku.

S. "OK I get it but get your BARE BUTT away from me!!" He pushed Taiju in disgust. "Now no time for sappy greetings we have to get to work." He lead Taiju up to his laboratory. "Well this is a few months progress." He stated, taking another bird statue and trying another test on it.

T. "So.. it affected birds too?" The birds stores on the shelves were quite disturbing. But he wouldn't allow his question to go unanswered.

S. "It seems it did, though somehow it only affected this one species rather than every bird and animal." The shelves were stocked and each one was something new trying to make a miracle fluid to revive many.

T. "That's... Odd." It was quite confusing, as much of a meathead he was he wasn't exactly stupid

S. "We should start heading how to collect ingredients and some food. We will be the Adam and Eve of this stone world."

Author note: thank you for your patience! I finally got a chapter out, I know it's short but I'll try to do more next time! Stay tuned

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