Meet My Crazy School

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My little cousins video ⬆️
"Oliver Jackson," the substitute called out for attendance, "Here ma' am!"

I try to make up where my brains end with respect. I felt like banging my head on the desk a million times. I loathed 8th grade English. Heck I can't even read it might as well move to Greece. Today we have an essay on fruitbats. What else to know the name says it all they eat fruit! At least in GT (gifted and talented. I have no clue how I made it but I guess when we do activities I come out on top.) we're doing projects on Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse gods.
And I got stuck dumb old ιπποτικός. Which is he's Greek name in English it's Chivalrous aka Percy. Who knew he was a god? I just recently read his last book and he seemed like a true hero but man he can be dark. Gotta admit I admired the man. And that's if it was ever real.

"I can tell with your such great focus Jackson why don't you tell me one fact about fruitbats," Mrs. Humbuger called out.

"They eat fruit?" I facepalmed. The least I could do is sound confident in my answers.

"Jackson see me after class," No I'm going to be late for PE!

The rest of clas was BORING as hell. Point for Jackson another detention?
" Mr. Jackson I can tell you are so smart
I've seen you come up with strategies for the varsity basketball team, I've seen you invent crazy things like that food cannon. My question is why don't you try kiddo. Help me so I can help you."
Typical teacher speech now for my well thought awnser so brilliant my pup could think of it!

"Uhhh... I am trying ma am.... I'm really not sure myself." She gave a disapproving look as she dismissed me. Sheesh it was true when doing that stuff it just kinda like sparks in me. I jogged trying my best to avoid teachers in the hall. I quickly made it in the locker room. All that was left was the Allstar basketball team. The football people had just left. I walked to my locker avoided eye contact and got dressed until one of them came up and sprayed axe deodorant in my face. I gagged like I was about to puke which I probually was.

"So Olly I hear that you've took the last spot in Varsity making so my good friend Darren got JV1. You know we might just be in 8th grade but we take sports very seriously. Do you know how that affects us!" Stinky breath 1 pulled me up by my collar and slammed me into the lockers

"No Billup I don't see how that's my problem," my words oozing sarcasm, " I don't see four huge guys waiting to beat me up at my awnser."

He dropped me and my head hut the bench was he punched me in face forming a big fat black eye. The kicked me in my stomach and where ever they found weakness. They only stopped when coach blew his whistle symbolizing attendance.

"Your lucky punk," I didn't like the word punk it sprouted bad memories so I just pulled up my hood and ran out to my only true friend Xavier.

"Xavier my man what's up! Today were running laps. In your case walking." Xavier was in crutches.
He had unruly light brown hair and light blue eyes. Xavier has had a bad limp since we met and I well protect him.
This is me playing basketball;

Yep the ugly groot holding the ball is me

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Yep the ugly groot holding the ball is me. People tell me my eyes are quirky  they are swirled with grey and seagreen. Strange they say. FREAK, MONSTER, alien???

" What's with your hoodie man. I never see you without it!" I waved him off as coach started.

"Okay cupcakes. Two miles go!" That was Hedge Juinor. He does everything fitness. Kids say he's litterly a reincarnation of his father.

I'm fairly fast so I just put my head down and sprint. On my third lap everyone stops when they hear a loud cracking noise. Coach looks me straight in the eyes as he inspects each boy from a distance. The cracking gets louder and the floor splits under my feet.

"HOLY MACKAROLY CUPCAKES. Olley come here!" He says angerly," You take this and you run as far as possible. YOU HEAR ME. Xavier take him back to the orphanage." Hedge whispered in a shockingly calm tone as he gave me a nurse pass.

"Sorry sir I don't run from my problems. You say stupid I say Heck yeah curious and beyond stupid." That sounded alot better than in my head. The next minute all the other students were ejaculated.

"You idiot it's too late its started! Xavier shut and block the doors." I was awfully confused what was happening.

" Hedgey come out and play!" A taunting voice called from the... HOLY S****... Iat WAS THREE TIMES IT SIZE!

"P*** off mate!" Coach called as he pulled out a spikey bronze baseball bat, " Don't be stupid grab a weapon if you want to live!"

"HOLY kobe Bryant's shoes, it's a kitten?"

"No cupcake it's a evil big cat, new of its monster species called Catagemon. Shoot for its stomach it the weak point." I was hoping that was sarcasm.

"Xavier how'd you get a sword and no I'm not going to wear the dumb bracelet." I called back this better be a dream!

The cata thing swiped at me I barely dodged. "Can I have the bracelet please."

" A little louder?"


Xavier laughed as it turned into a two good sized daggers. I always wanted a sword but I didn't expect my teacher to have some at school! They fitted perfectly in my hands as if they were made for me.

I dodged another swipe as Xavier and Coach disappeared. HOW! I decided to put my skills to good use a ran around the hole dragging out the time till my funeral. Tell them I want blue flowers if pink id rise out of my grave and walk awah to die in a nice blue room. Being the idiot I am I slipped and flew onto the Cat things back. Gripping it's fur I climbed to the top. It was weird like I had a natural instinct for battle. I gripped its ears and took a good look at the monster. It had an 8 pack and was orange and red like fire. Had powers of the earth, fire, water, but not air.

"So your an elemental kitty. Welp I have no clue how to get rid of you, so while I'm safe ontop if your ear I might as well tell you about my day."

____Time Skip Brought By Tide Pods____

"And that's how we got to this point today!"

The cat scoffed when I told her about getting beat up. Sure she scratched me and made me bleed alot but she was just doing what she was commanded to do. She was kinda like cursed yeah.

" We'll demigod. Your really not that bad kinda foolish but with a little practice you can be great like your dad. Any other will have a heroes fate with me and would have one of us dead."

" Nah I mean a few other monster guys who weren't as chill I killed mostly by accident. I was trying to show one how I could juggle and she offered her knives. I messed up and the monster was dead! Couldn't bear staying awake for one more second RUDE!"

" I really think this was a good chat but Calthra I think schools over."

"Very well, call me if you need assistance of any kind or just need a friend. I've enchanted your bracelet so not only can it turn into duo daggers I'd you say my name three times ill be their. The gods are real and your father is a god. Can't tell you which though."

I bowed to her and she bowed back. I guess some monster are misunderstood. Wow maybe that cat got into a wizards basement or something. Wait did she say son of a B****? Oh wait god!



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