The Revenge Artist will do it for you (Chapter One)

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The Revenge Artist will do it for you

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved

Chapter One

Picture on the side is Avery (Actress Ellen Page)

4 years later

Dude,” Natalie complained while rubbing her shoulders back and forth from the cold. ” I'm freezing my ass off right now. How long are we going to stay here?"

If she wasn’t my best friend, I would have bashed her head in for being whiny. "I told you to wear something warm but noooo, you just have to wear a tank top," I whispered yelled at her while giving a disapproving look.

"But Ave,” she whined like a bratty kid. “Lara Croft wears spandex but still looks hot."

I glowered at the stupidity of her thoughts. Why was she comparing herself to a game character? Did she planned on freezing herself to death or was she thinking she was that indestructible? Either way, I didn’t want to find out.

"Lara Croft doesn't catch hypothermia because she is a game character. She's.Not.Real."I said emphasizing each word like she was retarded.

"Will you two warthogs shut up,” my gay friend, Evan, said while wrapping his arms around himself shivering. Another idiot who forgot to wear something warm “And Ave, she's right. It's freaking cold."

"I still think Lara Croft's hot though with her spandex," Natalie mumbled.

Rolling my eyes, I tuned them out as I focused on my mission. We were hunched behind the bushes adjacent to my designated payback assignment. Carson Wells. School's womanizer and Ambree, the victim’s boyfriend.

There was a difference between a playboy and womanizer. A playboy screws random girls just for the pleasure of it then dumped you to the curb while a womanizer well, still screws random girls but forms an actual relationship with the girl then dumps you to the curb.

Whatever fancy shmansy. There were both the same.

They dump you like a battered toy to the trash. If they feel merciful, they would graciously donate you to charities but that was not the point.

Lying cheating assholes were assholes. Pe-to the freaking-riod.

Ambree came to me two days ago bawling like a dying cat. She told me that she caught Carson humping some Junior girl at the supply closet. She got a tip from her ditzy bestfriend who by some reason was tipped by some sophomore girl who was tipped off by...GAH! I'm not making sense. To make the sob story short, someone told her.

I shouldn't have said that earlier than confusing myself.

Moving on, she asked for my help so I agreed. I am after all the Revenge Artist of Penn Brooke High.

My slogan : Let the Revenge Artist do it for you. 100% paybacks-a-bitch guaranteed.

Maybe I should make a calling card. That would be soo cool.

So, I came up with this plan which involved humiliation. BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN STYLE.

I turned to Evan and Natalie, putting my game face on. "Okay guys, I think it's safe to go inside since it's 1am and everybody is in deep sleep by now."

"You sure?” " Natalie asked nervously. She was always the cautious one. “ What if he has a pet dog in there? Like a bulldog or something.

I rolled my eyes.  "Don't be such a paranini Natalie. I'm sure he doesn't have a dog."

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