Part 2

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Wakasa and Keizo continued to grow close as time passed but Wakasa still hadn't confessed since he and Shinichiro were trying to find why his father wanted the lux flos and the why of the last request in the contract marriage.

"You two should take a break" Takeomi says entering Wakasa's office where the owner of said office and Shinichiro were working

"Eh, Takeomi? What are you doing here?" Shinichiro asks confused especially because she seemed to be bringing some tea and snacks and they both knew she wasn't a maid and didn't need to serve them

"Keizo requested me to force you two to take a break, she would have come herself but Kaeya came to visit her" Takeomo answers as she puts the tea and snacks in the table between the two couches

"Kaeya?" Wakasa asks since the name seemed familiar but he couldn't remember from where

"Keizo's older brother and once more the crown prince of Ragnarok" Takeomi answers

"Ah, I see" Wakasa says remembering the blue haired prince who had met once at a ball

"Now come take a break" Takeomi says and both the king and advisor leave their work to take a break

"I really need to know where you got this lights from they are really beautiful" Shinichiro comments as he drinks some tea and looks at the small lights around the room(similar to fairy lights)

"I didn't get them, Keizo made them and put them here" Wakasa answers his friends who looks curiously at him

"Did she ask someone to bring lux flos for her to do the lights?" Takeomi asks with a raised eyebrow and Wakasa shakes his head negatively

"It seems like the lux flos were some of the things that are being traded between both kingdoms or at least to my father and Akane" Wakasa says and Takeomi just hums at that

"I see, well I will leave you to enjoy your break" Takeomi says ready to leave

"Take Shin with you, I still spend some time out of the office but Shin not so much" Wakasa says ignoring the glare his friend sent him "And am sure he would love your company" he has making both blush

"...If he wants he can come" Takeomi ends up saying and Shinichiro looks at his friend who just nods at him

"I would love to" Shinichiro says and with that the two leave Wakasa alone in his office

'I really need to find out what my father is trying to do...' he thinks as he looks outside




"Shouldn't you be sleeping, stella mea?" Keizo asks as she enters the office to find her husband still working

"I don't feel tired, Keizo" Wakasa says not taking his eyes of what he was reading making Keizo sigh

"I know we must find what was your father's reason for all this but you need to rest too" Keizo says as she walks towards Wakasa

"And I rest" Wakasa says finally looking at Keizo

"And what are the dark marks under your eyes, stella mea? You may not need to rest as much as others but you still need it so please rest" Keizo says while grabbing Wakasa's face and pass her fingers softly in the dark marks under Wakasa's eyes

"...I just don't like not knowing why my father did this...and I think he didn't have a pure reason when he planned this..." Wakasa says with a sigh

"Oh, stella mea, you aren't alone in this" Keizo says kissing Wakasa's forehead "You have people you trust so give them some work if you plan to do your work as a king and try to find what your father is planning" she says softly and looking worried

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