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           Also by Robert Greene
            The 50th Law (with 50 Cent)
The 33 Strategies of War (a Joost Elffers Production)
  The Art of Seduction (a Joost Elffers Production)
The 48 Laws of Power (a Joost Elffers Production)

                         An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
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                            Copyright © 2018 by Robert Greene
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                             ISBN 9780525428145 (hardcover)
                               ISBN 9780698184541 (ebook)
                        ISBN 9780525561804 (international edition)

To my mother


Also by Robert Greene
Title Page
1 Master Your Emotional Self
   The Law of Irrationality
      The Inner Athena
      Step One: Recognize the Biases
      Step Two: Beware the Inflaming Factors
      Step Three: Strategies Toward Bringing Out the Rational Self
2 Transform Self-love into Empathy
   The Law of Narcissism
      The Narcissistic Spectrum
      Examples of Narcissistic Types
3 See Through People's Masks
   The Law of Role-playing
      The Second Language
      Observational Skills
      Decoding Keys
      The Art of Impression Management
4 Determine the Strength of People's Character
   The Law of Compulsive Behavior
      The Pattern
      Character Signs
      Toxic Types
      The Superior Character
5 Become an Elusive Object of Desire
   The Law of Covetousness
      The Object of Desire

      Strategies for Stimulating Desire
      The Supreme Desire
6 Elevate Your Perspective
  The Law of Shortsightedness
      Moments of Madness
      Four Signs of Shortsightedness and Strategies to Overcome Them
      The Farsighted Human
7 Soften People's Resistance by Confirming Their Self-opinion
  The Law of Defensiveness
      The Influence Game
      Five Strategies for Becoming a Master Persuader
      The Flexible Mind—Self-strategies
8 Change Your Circumstances by Changing Your Attitude
  The Law of Self-sabotage
      The Ultimate Freedom
      The Constricted (Negative) Attitude
      The Expansive (Positive) Attitude
9 Confront Your Dark Side
  The Law of Repression
      The Dark Side
      Deciphering the Shadow: Contradictory Behavior
      The Integrated Human
10 Beware the Fragile Ego
  The Law of Envy
      Fatal Friends
      Signs of Envy
      Envier Types
      Envy Triggers
      Beyond Envy
11 Know Your Limits
  The Law of Grandiosity
      The Success Delusion
      The Grandiose Leader
      Practical Grandiosity
12 Reconnect to the Masculine or Feminine Within You
  The Law of Gender Rigidity
      The Authentic Gender
      Gender Projection—Types

        The Original Man/Woman
13 Advance with a Sense of Purpose
  The Law of Aimlessness
        The Voice
        Strategies for Developing a High Sense of Purpose
        The Lure of False Purposes
14 Resist the Downward Pull of the Group
  The Law of Conformity
        An Experiment in Human Nature
        The Court and Its Courtiers
        The Reality Group
15 Make Them Want to Follow You
  The Law of Fickleness
        The Entitlement Curse
        Strategies for Establishing Authority
        The Inner Authority
16 See the Hostility Behind the Friendly Façade
  The Law of Aggression
        The Sophisticated Aggressor
        The Source of Human Aggression
        Passive Aggression—Its Strategies and How to Counter Them
        Controlled Aggression
17 Seize the Historical Moment
  The Law of Generational Myopia
        The Rising Tide
        The Generational Phenomenon
        Generational Patterns
        Strategies for Exploiting the Spirit of the Times
        The Human Beyond Time and Death
18 Meditate on Our Common Mortality
  The Law of Death Denial
        The Bullet in the Side
        A Philosophy of Life Through Death
Selected Bibliography
About the Author

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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