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*Tommy's pov*

I'm in a police station, and that's not good. Shit! How did Emily contact the police so fast? Ahg, this is not good. I'm in this room, where I guess they are going to ask me a lot of questions. All the walls are in a boring, grey color. There is a glass in one of the walls. Probably a one-way glass. It's a door on the wall to my left, I bet it's locked. It's not like I'm going to escape. Who escapes from a police station? Crazy people.

"Ah, Mr. Cooper. Nice to see you", an officer said while sitting down. I can already tell this man likes coffee, anyone could smell that. Ugh..

"Why am I here?", I asked with a nice tone.

"Your neighbors complained about yelling, and when we heard your names we got suspicious. Have you heard about Harry Styles?"

"No", I lied.

"Really? He got kidnapped one year ago."

"Oh, that's terrible. Is he found?", I did my best to actually sound worried.

"Yes. He was found in a forest, not far away from where you and your friend live. He said that his kidnappers names was Sam and Tommy. Isn't it weird? That's the same names that you and your friend have."

"Ehh, yeah. Strange."

"Stop lying Tommy. It's not good for you", the officer is angry. You can hear that in his voice. Shit.

"I have no idea of what you are talking about", I lied again.

"Really? We have been through the house, and can prove that Harry Styles has been there. Harry is on his way to tell us if you and your little friend are the kidnappers, so it's no point of lying. Now tell me, where is she?"

"W-who?", I asked a bit more afraid now. I don't get why I'm still lying, it's no point anymore.

"Emily Smith! She has been missing for years and according to Mr. Styles she was with him at your house. We can prove she has been there! Have you killed her?", the officer almost yelled while standing up.

"I want a lawyer."

The police officer just stood up and left me all alone in the room.


*Harry's pov*

I'm sitting in Niall's car, while Niall is driving to the police station. When the police called and told me they maybe have caught Sam and Tommy, I had this happy feeling in my body. Maybe Emily is safe. They didn't mention her, but that probably doesn't mean anything.

"Ahg, Liam stop being so annoying", Louis said.

"I'm annoying!? Me? What about you?", Liam said with an angry voice.

"Please, I'm perfect not annoying", Louis said with his sassy tone. All of us just rolled our eyes and laughed a bit. I look out of the window. The people on the street just living their normal life. I never thought about how a life can change in seconds before I was kidnapped. I was living my normal life, thinking that my girlfriend cheating on me was the worst thing in the world. I was wrong. It doesn't matter how bad you have it, someone always have it worse. That's how I think now. I love my life ten times more than I did before.

"Haz?", a voice said. Zayn.


"We are here", he said while getting out of the car.

"Yeah", I said quietly to myself and got out of the car. We walked in the station, not knowing where to go.

"Harry? Harry Styles?", a voice said.

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