Eleanora out for a few days within her bed of her home in Rivendell while Elrond watched over her. When she woke up, right away she knew where she was at and that she needed to leave Rivendell. Because she did not want to put Elrond nor any elves into danger. 

So when she was able to stand on her feet she made her way to the pass that would go to the tunnel of Rivendell where it would take her to open field. As she was leaving Rivendell she looked back becoming sad about leaving but she would do anything to make sure that Elrond would live. As she got out of the passage way of the tunnel Eleanora was welcomed by many elves of Rivendell and her eyes connected with Elrond. 

Elrond got off of his horse making his way to her and the other elves gave them some distance so Elrond could speak with Eleanora. 

Both of them sat down on the rock. 


" I did not give you permission to leave." Elrond said

" I know, but it is better that I do." 

" Why is that?" Elrond asked trying to understand Eleanora

" Because I - I just to leave, it would be better if I do." Eleanora said trying not to break in front of Elrond

" Eleanora, You will not leave because I will not let you leave. You think that if you leave that we will be safe? Eleanora, no one knows that you are here. Rivendell is the safest place for you now. And I will let you leave, this is your home." 

Eleanora looked at Elrond listening to every word he said. Both stood up, Elrond came closer to Eleanora. 

" A good part of thousands of years I believed you were dead, I will not make the same mistake. I can not lose you, I can not lose my daughter. I can not go through that pain again." Elrond said as he put something around her neck. Eleanora looked down seeing that it was a necklace. Elrond took a hold of Eleanora's hand as they walked down the same tunnel she came from heading back to Rivendell. 

Eleanora could not believe that Elrond publicly called her his daughter. Now in front of the other elves Eleanora became a lady of Rivendell and a daughter to Lord Elrond. It was something that she always wanted for herself, to be back in Rivendell and with the one man that give her everything where others did not. 

Not long after that, just a few days later while in the garden of Rivendell, one of the favorite places to Eleanora Elrond came to check on her. 

" How are you feeling today". Elrond said

" Better than yesterday and much better than a week ago." 

" That is good." Elrond said as he took a sit next to Eleanora. 

" Can I ask you something"? Eleanora asked Elrond

" Of course you can". 

" I have been thinking about many things, and the only thing that keeps coming back to me is that I want to have peace. I do not wish to fight anymore, I have seen and have been through many fights and pain. I just feel lost in some ways, adding with the ring that Gil-galad gave to me before he died gives me responsibility of the ring for itself and for mine whether I like it or not." Eleanora said

Elrond had a smile on his face as the words she said to him. 

" My dear, you may feel lost right now but you will find yourself again. And you will find the peace that you need. Gil-galad gave his ring to you for a reason I am sure of, and I know that you will do great things. And I respect your choices on not wanting to fight, that you seek your peace. I know that you will find your peace here in Rivendell, makes it all for the better where I could keep my eyes upon you." Elrond said as he stands, he kissed Eleanora's forehead before leaving her in the garden. 

A month passes by and Eleanora is doing better being in Rivendell, Galan has been hanging around Eleanora more than ever. Elrond could see that Galan is a fine elf to be with Eleanora, his daughter that he claimed as his own. Elrond could see that Galan is in love with Eleanora, so Elrond could use that if needed, but he saw that Galan would keep Eleanora safe by any means. Everything was going peaceful as much as it could go but Elrond along with some elves of Rivendell went out for patrol of the borders because there was a pack of Orcs. Elrond went to take care of it. 

As Elrond and other elves took care of the Orcs, they were not in Rivendell. Eleanora saw dwarves along with gandalf with them. That got Eleanora's attention, that is something that you do not see everyday. Eleanora watched the whole scene of the dwarves and her father in the front. She listened to Elrond talk with the leader of the dwarves and that Gandalf wanting to head to Erebor and the tales of the dragon that is also there. 

Eleanora could sense that Gandalf wanted the dragon to be defeated so the dragon can not join the other side, the dark side. Eleanora moved away before anyone could know that she was there. She went back to her rooms as she stay the whole night. She could feel later that night as the dwarves were having time to themselves the council was called to Rivendell. Elrond, Galadriel along with some others started the meeting about the dangers that could come into light. Eleanora wanted to head down to see her mother but she knew that her mother would not accept her, which her mother could not love her. So Eleanora stayed within her rooms, trying to think about her life if she stays in Rivendell. 

In mid afternoon Elrond was working away on important papers when he felt something was wrong. Looking up he could see Galan standing in front of him. 

" What is wrong"? Elrond asked standing away from his desk

" My lady Eleanora is no where to be found, my Lord Elrond". Galan said

Elrond stood there trying to think on what he should do. He left his desk heading to his armor because he knew as he was walking what she was planning. That she was going to fight for the dwarves for the home of Erebor. And he would be damn if he lets his daughter go, he was planning on finding her and to bring her back by force if needed. The pain he felt that day killed him and he will not go through that again. 

Galan and others came along with Elrond to hunt down Eleanora. Elrond has one thing in mind and that is to get his daughter back. For Galadriel saw what Elrond was doing, and she told him not to act on what he is feeling at the moment but Elrond said " I will not stand aside seeing her dying again, she is my daughter Galadriel. Not yours, you gave up the right when you did not want her." Elrond say shutting Galadriel out of his mind. 

To Galadriel, she knew that Elrond was right when it came to Eleanora. 

For Eleanora, she went to find the dwarves but also fighting Orcs that came infront of her. She knew that it would take a while to find the dwarves but she would find them and getting rid of the Orcs is just a better deal. But she needed to act fast because Elrond would be on trail fast. 

Eleanora Where stories live. Discover now