Chapter 9

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It was after Camila's second session with the new therapist, which was moved to Fridays, that she started acting strange.

It was like she had took three steps back and was back to being quiet around Lauren, only really speaking when she was asked something.

She completely ignored Lauren's text messages and phone calls all of Sunday but Lauren reasoned that she would see her the next day at school.

When she didn't show up at school Lauren tried called her again but ended up calling Ally when Camila still hasn't answer by seven.


"Camila, where is she?"

"At home."

"Where are you?"

"Out with Troy."

"I'm going 'round." Lauren said, ended the call and heading down to her car.

She knocked rather roughly on Camila's front door, frowning when her dad answer, his eyes all puffy and red.

"Sir, is everything alright?"

The man just nodded, "She's in her room."

Lauren wondered what was going on as she ran upstairs, looking around Camila's room but she didn't see her. "Bug?"

"Go away." A voice called from the bathroom.

"Baby, are you crying? What's wrong?" Lauren asked as she leant her hands against the bathroom door.

"Leave me alone, Lauren." Camila sniffed.

"No, open the door." Lauren said, trying to turn the handle but it didn't open. "Camila, open this fucking door right now!"

"Leave. Me. Alone." Camila demanded.

"No, I swear to god, Camila. If you don't open this fucking door right now I'll break it down."

"Why won't you just fuck off?"

"Because I love you and I'm not just going to leave you in this state!" Lauren snapped and after a couple of seconds there was a clicking of a lock.

Lauren quickly opened the door, tears springing to her eyes when she saw a pail and tired looking Camila sitting on the floor with a red soaked towel pressed against her arm. She looked like the girl Lauren had met two months ago.

There was a loud thud as Lauren fell to her knees on the tile floor and gripped onto Camila's chin, making the younger girl look at her. "Why?" Lauren demanded, trying to fight back the tears but a few fell anyway.

Camila just shook her head, tears spilling out of her eyes.

No matter how angry or upset Lauren was with Camila in that moment she wasn't about to let Camila, the girl she apparently loved cry.

"Sh, bug. Come on, what's wrong?" Lauren whispered, pulling on the back of Camila's head so it was resting against her collarbone.

"I can't..." Camila sobbed and Lauren pushed herself up to stand on shaky legs making Camila grab her wrist.

"Please don't leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere, bug." Lauren assured, pulling her arm away from Camila and routing through the cabinet until she found a bandage and some rubbing alcohol.

"You're coming with me." Lauren said, kneeling down and taking away the towel from Camila's arm and pouring the rubbing alcohol over it making Camila hissed. "When I'm done with this you're getting in my car and I'm taking you somewhere."

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