Chapter 10 (Final)

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Lauren pulled up outside Camila's house, pressing the horn for a few seconds before getting out of the car.

Camila's dad looked out the window before disappearing and after a couple of seconds Camila's bedroom window opened.

"What're you doing? Come up."

"If you can pick anywhere in America to go. Where would it be? Three seconds to answer, go!" Lauren called, smiling up at Camila.

"Uh, Niagara Falls."

Lauren nodded. "Pack a bag and come down here then."

"Are you nuts? Did you hit your head or something?"

"Come on. I have a car full of gas, three hundred bucks and ten days to fill. Come down here."

Camila rolled her eyes, closing her window and appeared at the door a while later.

"Have you lost your mind?" Camila smiled, walking down the path to Lauren.

"Come on, why not? It will probably take around twenty four hours to drive there so if we leave now we can get to a motel around ten-ish, which would only leave us ten hours to do tomorrow. Come on, bug, you said yourself you wanted to go." Lauren grinned hopefully, placing her hands on Camila's waist.

"And your parents are ok with this?"

"Yes, it'll be just you, me and the SatNav lady. We'll get there by tomorrow, spend the night at a hotel, go to Niagara Falls the days after, stay at a hotel that night then drive home the next day." Lauren said, smiling cutely at Camila. "I have it all planed. What'd you say, baby?"

"You're crazy."

"That's a given."

"Ok, we'll go."

"Yeah?" Lauren grinned when Camila nodded, pressing a quick kiss against her lips. "Go pack for about four days."

"Ok." Camila agreed, grabbing onto the back of Lauren's neck and placing a lingering kiss on her lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too, bug."

Camila smiled, pull back as running back into the house.

"What her you doing sitting out here?" Ally asked as Lauren sat up on the hood of her car.

"Waiting on Camila, we're going to Niagara Falls."

Ally looked surprised, "What?"

"Well, why not? The schools getting debugged for termites so we have ten days off and I wouldn't wanna spend it with anyone but her."

"What about me?" Ally gasped with faux hurt.

"You're great, sometimes, but no."

Ally laughed, pulling Lauren into a hug. "See you when you're back then, Casanova."


Lauren smiled, looking up at the house just as Mr Cabello left the house. "Hello, Mr Cabello."

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Alejandro?" The man smiled, stopping by his car.

"At least one more, sir." Lauren said gaining a smile from the man.

"Look after my daughter while you're away."

"With my life, sir."

The man smiled before getting into his car.

After another five minutes Camila left the house with her backpack on her shoulder.

"After you, me lady." Lauren smiled, opening the door for Camila and taking her bag.

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