Chapter 7: The worst mistake of my life

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(Zayn pov)

I can't belive Clair she yelles at her sister and makes her feel like crap. Shes been throught so much already she dosn't need this.

Then I heard something that scared me. I heard glass breaking. There was a mirror in Hea's room. On please no no no. We all ran to her room not hearing a sound. We pounded on her door trying to get it open. When we finily got in open I saw a something that will haunt me forever.

Hea was laying in the middle of her room surronded by blood. The blood was comeing from her wrist. She was passed out. Oh god we have to to something now.


(Clair pov)

I can't belive I yelled at her. I feel horrible I hope she forgives me. Then I hear the sound of glass breaking. Oh god no she wouldn't . Would she. We all run to her room. The boys start to pound on her door trying to get her to open it up. 

It woun't open but it dose break and when we look in there there is something to haunt me forever.

Hea was laying on her floor in a pool of blood. Her once strawberry blound hair is now red from the blood thats coing from her wrist.


(Lou pov)

Oh god what do we do. We just found Hea on the floor dieing. WHAT DO WE DO.

"Clair and Niall go get the car ready. NOW!" Liam demanded

"Ok" they said running out of the room

"Harry go get a towel. HURRY!" he said

"Ok" he said 

"Lou comeover here and hold her arm and be careful" he said as Harry comeing out of the bathroom with a towel.

"Ok wrap the towel around her wrist tight" he said

As all this was going on Zayn was just staring at us. What is he doing I thought he liked her?

"Ok Lou when I tell you we are going to pick he up. Zayn and Harry come help me pick her up." he said

We finily got her out to the car. I hope she's ok.

(10 min. later)

After speeding we finily got to the hosibital.

"Someone help please! She cut her wrist!" Liam yelled

Then 5 nurse ran over to us and took her away. I hope she's ok.

(3 weeks later) (Hea pov)

Am I dead? No I can't be. Death wouldn't nave this annoying sound. Would it?

"Is she wakeing up?" someone said

"I don't know? She might be." someone else said

"Who's there? Where am I?" I asked

"Hea! Hea it's me Zayn. Please open your eyes."  Zayn said

"Zayn where am I?" I asked again

"Your at the hosibital to cut your wrist. Do you remember any of it?" he asked

"Yeah" I said

"Hea, I'm so sorry." someone said

"Who's that?" I asked 

"It's Clair" she said

"Oh, why are you saying sorry?" I asked

"Because I said all these mean things to you. Now look." she said

"It's fine. Really it is I shouldn't have jumped concluetions." I said

"How about we both agree it's both are faults." she said

"Ok" I said

"I'm going to go get the boys." Clair

After she left I look over at Zayn. He was sitting in a chair clear across the room from me.

"Zayn whats wrong?"

"It's nothing Hea I'm just thinking."

"Well come over here please."

"I...I don't want to hurt you." he said

"You wount."


So he came over beside me. I could feel the tention in the air I know something was on his mind.

"Whats wrong?"

"I keep thinking it's my fault. That if i would have stayed in the room with you you wouldn't have done this."

"It's not ok."


"Shut up" I said kissing him

Just then four very loud boys came running into my room. They were talking a hundred miles a minet.

"I so happy your awake."Niall said

"Your alive thank god." Lou said

"How are you feeling?" asked Liam

"We thought you were a gonner." harry said

I couldn't help it I just burst out laghting. They were staring at me like I've lost it. Well I guess I have in some way.

"Im fine you guys really." I said just as Clair and the doctor walked in

"Well I'm glade to see you awake. Thats a great sign both twins wakeing up on the same day. You two are idenical twins alright." she said

"What Marks awake!" I said 

"Yep and you both can leave today to." she said

(6 hours later at home)

We've been home for mabey a three hours and I've relized something. Mark hasn't said a single word since we've gotten home. What's going on?

"Mark!" I yell

He just looks at me but dosent saying anything.

"Mark say something." I say

"Hea he can't they think he's lodt his voice forever." Clair said

"Oh my god really?" I asked 

"Yeah but it's a 50/50 chance so it could come back." she said

"Oh..." I was about to say something when I got interupted by Lou.

"Clair can I ask you a question?" he said nervesly

"Sure" she said with a smile

I then relised the rest of the boys and Mark were looking at Lou like they wanted him to say something already. Then it clicked why they would look like this.

 "Would you umm... like to umm.. go on a date with me?" he asked

 "YES YES YES!!!! A THOUSAND TIMES YES. I was woundering when you were going to ask me." she said

Then I seen something I really didn't want to see. Lou pulled Clair in to kiss him at first it was cute. But it got awkward. He had his tongue in he mouth and his hands were....OK time to stop this.

"Ok break it up. BREAK IT UP NOW!" I yelled

"Sorry" they said

This was going to be intresting.

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