Chapter 6: Its my fault

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(Clair pov)

I had just gotten home from the hosibatle. They said it would have been best if I went home. They said it wouldn't help him any for me to be tired. But when i walked in the boys were sitting there all upset exspetiony Lou.

"Hey whats wrong. Is everything all right! WHERES HEA!" I yelled freaking out

"Calm down she's fine she's just in her room with Zayn." Lou said

"Why are they in there alone?" I asked

"She wounldn't let him leave. They've kind of bonded." Niall said

"Oh well I'm going to check on her be back in  sec." I said walking away

As I walked towards Hea's room I heard talking. But then it just stoped. What could be going on. I burst open the door to see Hea and Zayn makeing out.


They pulled apart really fast. Hea's cheeks were really red to. But what I'm really woundering is why was he kissing Hea?

"Clair your home." Hea said

"Yeah. I just got home from the hosibitable. Where are brother could be dieing for all you know. You don't care about him do you! You only care about yourself and don't say you do care because if you did you wouldn't be in here makeing out with someone you just met! No if you really cared you'd have locked yourself in your room and cryed. But no you had to come here and just completly forget about him! What if he died you wouldn't care would you!" I scremed

I have never screamed at anybody. Not even when Mark and Hea would bug me like no other. Hea's crying now and not like when she saw Mark get shot she looked ten times worst then that. I'm a horrible sister why would I say something like that.

"I'm sorry." she said

"Hea don't say your sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. So you were trying to keep you mind off you brother. And the doctor even said he would be fine so for her saying 'what if he died' that's horrible. You should never think that way. If anybody should be ashamed it should be Clair." Zayn said

"Could you guys leave please." Hea said

"Sure" me and Zayn said

After we walked out the door she closed it and locked it. What have i done. I'm a horrible sister.

(Hea pov)

I hate this life. I want it to end. Everythings going wrong. First Mark gets shot, then he woun't wake up, and now Clair is mad at me. She's never been mad at me. There's only one way I can think of to get rid of the pain.

I grab a chair and hit my mirror. It shattered. I grabed I pice of the glass and without thinking I dranged the glass across my wrist. The blood sharted flowing faster and faster. My vision started to blur and the pain started to stop and I knew I was going to pass oout soon. Then I heard banging on my door and people shouting at me.

The last thing I saw was the door fly open and Zayn see me on the floor in a pool of blood. My last thought was I love you  Zayn.


I know this chapter was short and the last one was crap but I promise they will be getting better. I want some imput please.

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