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It was dark. It was cold. He was so alone. Why couldn't he move? He can't even see his hand. There was a strange sensation at his tailbone. He was sinking deeper into the dark. He couldn't breathe. Please. He didn't like water. It was too deep. Was he dying? He didn't like it. There was suddenly alight. A bright green. A way out. He had to move. He started desperately thrashing around. He had to get out. Let him out. Let him out!

The sheets crumple around the sweaty, distressed boy as landed on the floor of his room. 'Water,' thought Eli. 'It had to be water.' Ever since Eli was little, he's had crippling thalassophobia (fear of deep water). He never knew why. His Mom always told him that he had some traumatic experience with it, but he could never remember what it was. Groaning, he sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands. He's had dreams like this before, but this one was different. He can't recall seeing that light before. It was probably triggered by his dip in dark water yesterday when they were in the Deep Caverns. What is that weird feeling in his lower back? He probably just slept funny. Voices could be heard bickering,  seemingly right outside his door.

"Guys? Why are you being so loud?" No response. Eli tossed his sheets off him and got out of bed. He stumbled around a bit. His balance was weirdly off. He flung open his door and sleepily walked out. Staring into the hallway there wasn't a sign of anyone so close. Confused, he took a trip down the stairs.

Cold air blew across his face carrying the strong, familiar smell of oil and choga dogs. The scent was so strong it became nauseating. But what was worse was the high pitched scream piercing the air. "Back foul beast! Back I say!" The tiny pudged man drew a blaster, aiming right at Eli. Eli leaps behind the couch in a panic. "Woah guys it's me!" Man, why was his voice so raspy?
Kord was the first person to lower his blaster. "Wait a second. Eli?"
Eli peeked over the couch. "Yeah? Who else could it be?"
Kord gives him a concerned look. "Well, you don't exactly look like you, right now."
Eli tilts his head in confusion while he gets out from behind the couch. "What are you talking about?"
Trixie pointed to the bathroom. "You might want to take a look."
Eli rushes over to the bathroom, almost tripping over everything on the way, and looks into the mirror. In it, he saw black skin with red eyes. He fainted.
Pronto looked over Eli's unconscious form. "I think that went well."

Eli's shadowWhere stories live. Discover now