The Worst Feeling and The Best Boyfriend

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Words: 1023

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Trans Dan has his period at school and he has to get his boyfriend, Phil, to help him out

Warnings: Vague descriptions of dysphoria, brief mentions of blood.

As soon as Dan sits down in the lunch hall, he knows he's in trouble. Because, he can feel it. It is the dreaded feeling that comes once a month to remind him that he is wrong. It reminds him that everything is wrong. It reminds him that this thing in between his legs and those things on his chest don't match the way he feels. It reminds him of that sinking feeling that he will never be right.

He doesn't have much time to dwell on that however, because now he remembers something, something that makes all of this even worse. How could this awful feeling get any worse? You might be asking yourself that. The only thing that could make this worse had just happened...

He forgot his pads at home.

So, along with this sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach combined with the feeling of his insides being twisted around, now he has to think of a way to fix this problem. This problem being the growing pool of blood in his underwear, and the fact that he has no way to stop it. Just when he thinks he is absolutely screwed, his little ray of sunshine comes walking in.

"Hey you," Phil smiled and wrapped his arms around Dan from behind, pecking his cheek before sitting down. However, Phil's smile immediately dropped as he saw Dan's worried expression. That's when he knew what was happening, and he took Dan's hand in his own in hopes that it would provide some comfort. Then, Phil noticed something, the way that Dan was sitting. He looked pretty uncomfortable and Phil could guess what was going on there. "Come on, love, you can't sit here like that." He sighed, grabbing his bag and Dan's as he figured that was something he could help with.

Dan smiled weakly as he followed Phil. He didn't know what he could possibly do without his boyfriend. Phil was like the sun on a cloudy day, as cliche as that was, he just made everything brighter. That skill was definitely appreciated when Dan was at his worst, like he was then. Eventually, Dan was outside the school toilets with Phil.

"Here, I always bring some just in case." Phil smiled, handing a couple pads over to Dan. "Oh, and I brought these too." He added, passing over a pair of underwear and jeans to Dan, along with a plastic bag for his dirty clothes. "I'll wait out here, take as much time as you need." He gave Dan a quick kiss before letting him go off.

Dan was dreading what came next, to say in the least. He always used the single room as it had more space, it was meant for handicapped students since they couldn't fit a handicap cubicle in the actual toilets, but Dan figured this was a time that he could let those rules slide. He stripped off his shoes and socks first, setting them aside so they wouldn't get messy. Next, he took off his jeans and tossed them into the plastic bag. Then would come the worst part, the part where he had to take off the one thing covering what made him so incredibly wrong.

Maybe if he just let his eyes shut, he could pretend it wasn't there, but he needed to be quick if he didn't want to get blood on the floor. So, with an exaggerated sigh, he stripped off the underwear and tossed them in the plastic bag as well. He quickly cleaned himself off with paper towels, tossing them in the bin when he was done, and finally he could cover himself up again. He got the pad in his new pair of underwear and put it on, pulling up his jeans afterward.

Finally, that disaster was over. He washed his hands and looked himself over in the mirror, deciding that on the outside he looked okay. The dreaded plastic bag was still sat on the floor though, and he hated admitting that the blood was there. He hated admitting that he had to go through this cycle every month, just to remind himself that he was wrong. He didn't even bother with taking the bag to clean the clothes, instead he just tossed it into the bin and forgot about it as he returned to the hall.

"Thank you for everything." Dan commented to Phil as soon as he was out of the bathroom, placing the extra pads in his backpack. He purposely stuck them in a pocket toward the back, wanting to ignore the fact that they existed.

"Thank you for being the perfect boyfriend." Phil smiled, knowing Dan would need even more reassurance when he was in this state. He pulled Dan close and kissed him again, reluctantly letting him go as the bell for next class rang.


Dan was finally home, and thankfully he had the house to himself for a while. Well, aside from Phil of course. He sat on the couch, on top of Phil's lap and leaned against him. "Everything hurts," He grumbled, hiding his face in Phil's shoulder. It was more like hiding himself though, because he had to take off his binder, and he couldn't bare to look at his chest. Those things, those stupid lumps of flesh that reminded him he was wrong. Everything reminded him that he was wrong.

"Come on then, lay on your stomach and I'll give you a back rub." Phil offered, placing a kiss on the top of Dan's head.

"Thank you." Dan hummed in response, getting himself to lay flat on his stomach. Seconds after he had gotten comfortable, he felt his shirt lifted up. Phil knew better than to lift it up all the way though, he lifted it just enough to expose Dan's lower back. Then, Dan could feel soft fingers working into the aching skin of his back and he let out little noises of content as Phil moved.

"You know, you really are the best boyfriend ever." Dan hummed in the middle of his back rub, looking over his shoulder to smile at Phil.

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