Accepting Genderfluid at 24

4.7K 127 50

Words: 1331

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None, unless you count coming out and being genderfluid as wanings idk. (sorry for the awful title)

Summary: "(Prompt cuz there are only like 5 genderfluid!phanfics and I'm positively addicted) nonAU about genderfluid!Dan debating how to come out as genderfluid to phil and the public / coming to terms w/ themselves."

Dan was twenty four years old, so why were they just coming to terms with his gender? Honestly, it made them feel invalid. There were so many people younger than them that already knew who they were, and here they were at twenty four, just now figuring it out. Regardless, they had been thinking about how to come out for about a month. They figured it was as good of a day as any, they might as well start out with telling Phil. So, they did exactly that.

"Phil, can we talk?" Dan bit his lip, sitting on one end of the couch, their legs curled under them. In their mind at that point, they felt like a male so they figured it would be the best time to talk about it. See, they were always insecure when they felt like anything aside from male, because they felt as if their feelings weren't valid. They were born with male anatomy, so it was just easiest to dress as a typical male. It was easiest then to act as if nothing was wrong, to act as if they were normal.

"Okay, um, I really don't know how to say this so you'll just have to bare with me here." Dan chuckled awkwardly, feeling as if their stomach was being twisted around. It was an awful feeling, knowing that there was a possibility of losing their best friend in the entire world, and that was the last thing they wanted.

"Take as long as you need, I'm not going anywhere." Phil reassured, waiting for Dan to go on about whatever his topic was, admittedly he was a bit nervous but it couldn't be that bad. Right?

"Well, let's start off with the basics I guess. I'm... genderfluid." Dan bit their lip and tensed uncomfortably as they waited for Phil to say something, anything. They just needed to hear something, the silence was killing them.

"Okay." Phil replied simply, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll always support you no matter what, you nerd." He chuckled and nudged Dan's leg with his foot. "Could you maybe explain some things about it, tell me anything I need to change. Sorry, I don't know much about this."

Dan breathed a sigh of relief at Phil's words, trying to think of where they could start off with an explanation. "I'll start off with things you should know." They shrugged. "You can still call me Dan. Instead of calling me by male pronouns, they pronouns would be best. Uh, yeah I think that's it."

Phil smiled and scooted over closer to Dan. "Okay, I'll keep that all in mind." He reassured, curling his legs under himself as he leaned against Dan's side.

"Now, for the explanation." Dan sighed. "This probably won't make a whole lot of sense and it'll take a while, but I can try." They shrugged and waited until Phil nodded for him to go on. "So, everyone has a different idea of what genderfluid means for them. I can't explain it for everyone, but I'll explain what it is for me. Basically, sometimes I feel like a male, sometimes I feel like a female, and sometimes I feel agender which means I feel like I don't identify with any gender."

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to figure this out? If I'm overstepping, let me know and you don't have to answer." Phil shrugged, resting his head on Dan's shoulder.

Dan shrugged in response to that. "I mean, it was more just coming to terms with it. Like, when I was younger it started as just sometimes I wanted to do what gender roles depicted as girly things. My parents just thought it was a phase, so they let me go on with it. I would still wear what was considered as boy clothes, but sometimes I would want girly things. It wasn't really that big of a deal. Then, when I got into my teenage years it got more complicated. Sometimes, I would just cringe if people used male pronouns. I don't really know why, it just felt wrong. At that point, I was still wearing male clothes all the time though, I was trying to run away from the truth honestly. The real problem started last month. I was scrolling through tumblr as I always do, and I saw something about other genders. When it got to genderfluid, I realized that it sounded exactly like me. I tried they pronouns in my head and it made me feel better, so that's how I got this far. Now, I just have to come out to the fans." They bit their lip at the last part, visibly tensing at the thought.

Phil sat silently as he listened to Dan go on. He couldn't imagine what it felt like to go through that, to feel like such an outsider, it must be awful. Then, he heard Dan already worrying about telling the fans. "Hey, you don't need to worry about that right now. You should worry about yourself, and come out to them when you're ready. If they are real fans, they'll still appreciate you as genderfluid."

Dan nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe I can do it next week? I just want to get it over with." They shrugged and looked over at Phil.

"Well, I'll be here if you need me, just do whatever feels comfortable." Phil smiled at them.


Now, Dan was sat in front of their camera, trying to calm down. They could do this, if Phil accepted them it didn't matter what anyone else thought. With that, he turned the camera on.

"Hello internet!" They waved, chuckling a bit as they sat on the edge of their bed. "This is all going in one cut, I feel like it'll sound more genuine that way. If you don't want a serious video, I'll be back with something better next time." They shrugged. "I guess I should get on with it then." Taking a deep breath, they finally said those three words. "I am genderfluid."

"Now, I know I'll get a lot of different reactions, but I'd just like you to hear me out. Just listen to what I have to say." They sighed, fidgeting a bit with their fringe. "Some of you are probably wondering, what is genderfluid anyway? Well, gender is different for everyone, and I can only explain for myself, but here it goes. To make a long story short, sometimes I feel like a man, sometimes I feel like a woman, and sometimes I don't feel like any gender at all." They took another deep breath, trying to think of what to say next.

"I feel like I should say that this changes nothing, besides the way I feel and some of the clothes I wear. I'm still the same old Dan. I just go by they or them instead of he or him." They shrugged, biting their lip. "I think that's about all I have to say. That's it for now, leave any questions in the comments. I can answer them, or maybe even someone in the comments will." With that, they shut the camera off.


The support was overwhelming, friends, family, and fans were all being so kind. There was even a hashtag of #isupportdan going around. It was heartwarming, honestly, and they were so relieved that this went over positively. Sure, there were negative comments but all the positive comments made up for it. Now, they could live their life like they wanted to with no limitations, it was like a weight being lifted off their shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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