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you walked with your friend group which consisted of rose, wyatt, and louis. well, your group seemed small, but you loved your group. "hell yeah! summer time! louis cheers. you rolled your eyes. "seriously guys? if you behave this way in front of my mom, she'll never let you guys over."

"c'mon, (y/n), louis chuckled. "she loves us!" you smile."i know. just hoping you guys calm down." rose sighed. "maybe be more fun, then we will!" you shrug, seeing (m/n), saying goodbye before hopping in.

"hey buddy, you grin, turning around greeting your now seven-year old brother, jack. he grin."i drew something for you, (y/n)." you smile, when he hands you his drawing. "i love it! you replied, being completely honest. you loved his drawings.

you wished danny was here. but this would be his final summer before college. something you never expected would happen, saying goodbye eventually. your summer was planned out accordingly.

you never wished on going back to hackensack. not because of janie, you loved her, but because of him. somehow you escaped his grasp, leaving hackensack quickly, summer did end. now even more sleepovers with your friends, your mom obviously slightly hesitant with your guy friends, but nonetheless, trusted you.

however, you didn't really like anyone in the way you liked chucky, or charles, his real name. still, those feelings were gone now, replaced with fear. or so you thought. deep down, you still liked him, you just didn't accept it.

"ready for summer, honey? your mother smiled. you nodded."i kind of have plans." she chuckled, pulling up to your house. "janie really enjoyed your company. i think she would like you to come back."

"me too, you mumbled, you did like her, and hoped you could return. just without him. which, you hoped he left hackensack. your mother didn't bring up janie for no reason, did she? "well, (y/n), this summer is danny's final summer before college, she begins.

you smile, then she continues, "so you guys will spend this summer with your aunt again. look, i know you had plans-" "mom, don't worry, you assured her."i liked being there. i don't mind going back."

you knew your mother was smiling. you go in your room, seeing danny rush in. "did you hear the news? he whispers. you nodded."i can only assume he is gone from hackensack, danny. no worries."

danny sighs. "i hope so. you know, i never liked him, i just pretended i did for you. to support you." you chuckle, before beginning packing. "i'm gonna miss you, (y/n), danny hugs you. "when college begins, summer ends."

danny was super happy, being accepted into his dream college. but not here. in fact, he was going out of state for some reason. "why not go to college nearby? you whined. "colleges here suck, danny laughed. "plus, if i did stay here, well, i prefer freedom and independence."

you smile, finishing packing. "we're leaving right now?" your mother yelled, "come on guys, don't want to miss your flight, do you?" "coming! you and danny said in unison, making you both chuckle.

you were excited. but danny was slightly sad, his final summer before college. danny and his girlfriend were going to the same college. "so, you going to talk to celia frequently? you smirk. danny sighs. "seriously? but i mean, yeah. we love each other."

once you arrived, you waved goodbye to your mom, before getting on your flight, you luckily were sitting next to danny. still, the fear of him being back, or knowing you returned. you barely managed to escape.

calm down, he probably is gone, you thought, assuring yourself everything would be fine. danny smiled at you, so you smile back, holding your hand so in case you were nervous, you could squeeze his hand.

he seemed nervous about charles returning. chucky may be his nickname but you didn't call him nicknames anymore. he didn't deserve it. you sigh, before falling asleep.


danny shook you awake. "(y/n)! he says softly. you groaned quietly, before you go your things and your brother leave the plane. "i'm kind of sad this is your last summer before college, you say sadly. danny smiled softly. "i'll still visit, (y/n). i would never forget you, or mom and jack."

"i know, jack will miss you so much, you chuckle, seeing janie nearby. she smiles, hugging you both. "so glad you came back! she grins. "you both look older!" danny laughed, so did you. "i'm only 1 year older, janie, danny smiled."18. (y/n) is 15 now."

she smiles. your father only had 1 sister, her. you didn't really know of her existence since your father died, your mother never spoke of him much. but when she came in contact, of course you would know of her now.

"yup, 1 year older but feel so much older, you joke. you go inside. you were surprised this place still was up and running. since, well, someone was murdered here. "i do have some news for you, janie said. "but, maybe some other time, hm?"

some of the boys were downstairs. they probably were new, since you didn't see them your last visit here. where were the other children? eddie, probably still in the hospital. but were the adopted? you hoped so.

there still were some children. but small amounts. you wondered if there was a specific reason for this. probably was. you begin unpacking. you liked the room you stayed in. danny's room being next door.

nothing to worry about, right?

so for, no surprise visits from charles. something he did most often was surprises. you could say surprises is a part of his character. stop being so paranoid, you thought. i should enjoy my summer. i probably won't even come back. fear keeps holding me back, not anymore.

you smile, you packed plenty of books, including your favorites. you still loved reading, writing most of all. danny probably would be writing to his girlfriend, or call her frequently. you wished someone loved you the way he loved her. you did once, but maybe... he was more so obsessed.

yes, he was obsessed with you.

you didn't really like accepting this. but you had to. because you've realized he may only feel obsession, not love. he's psycho, and psychopaths clearly don't feel love, do they? if they do, maybe very small amounts of it.

"(y/n), danny, lunch!"

𝑨𝑳𝑾𝑨𝒀𝑺 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now