"He kissed me!"

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A/N: I am practicing the dialogue spacing, so please excuse any mistakes!!

Matt heard distant yelling, and the sound of a door smashing close. "Not again..." He mumbled, sitting up from his bed and walking out the room. Tom was storming to his room, mumbling curses under his breath. Matt grabbed the smaller man's collar, pulling him back.

"Matt!" Tom snapped, his face heated with built-up anger.

"Did you and Tord fight again?" Matt asked, pulling Tom into his room.

"Ugh, yeah...He was being stupid! again!" Tom grumbled through gritted teeth, Matt chuckled.

"He is very stupid, but you remember what Edd said." Matt hummed, "Quit fighting like first graders?" Tom cocked an eyebrow.

 "No- well, that too but...Edd said to simply ignore him." Matt smiled, "He'll get tired of it and start leaving you alone." Matt explained, Tom let out a loud groan

 "I know, but he makes my blood boil! I can't handle it..." Tom mumbled, "I understand, it's okay if you can't....what's the word?" Matt tapped his chin in thought, "Contain my temper, I've been told that just...not in a good way."

 Tom mumbled, they both stayed silent. "You say it so...caring and sweet." Tom turned his head away, avoiding eye contact.

"Really?" Matt's eyes lit up, a small smile crept on his face. "Yea- well, no-ugh, lame..." Tom grumbled, blushing of embarrassment. Matt giggled and hugged Tom, holding him close. Tom's eyes went white, pure shock. He felt his face heat up, as he pushed Matt away.

"Stupid narcissistic ginger! Don't touch me!" Tom grumbled, Matt couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so cute, Tom." Matt giggled, Tom's face turned redder. "You look like a tomato~"Matt added, Tom turned his head around. His lip was pouted and his eyes were narrowed down.

"Oh yeah? Well you're an idiot! And incredibly stupid! And very- uh- lame!" Tom blurted, crossing his arms.

"I know you don't mean that, little Tom." Matt hummed, as he reluctantly reached his hand over to Tom's. He gripped it, as Tom looked at Matt again. Matt had a goofy grin on his face, blushing like crazy. Tom scoffed, throwing himself onto Matt.

"I guess you're okay..." Tom muttered, his arms wrapped around Matt. The ginger smiled, his eyes filled with happiness. 

"Really?!" Matt asked, "Really." Tom huffed.

Matt cheered happily, squeezing Tom tighter.

"Air, Matt! Air-" Tom gasped, as Matt let Tom go from his bear hug.

"Feel better?" Matt asked, "yeah, Much better...thanks and goodnight." Tom sat up, quickly pecking Matt's lips and then scurried out the room. Matt's face flushed pink, his mouth was a crooked smile as he flopped on his bed.

 "Tom kissed me!" Matt sqeualed, kicking and swinging his legs happily. "He kissed me!"

Tom stood outside the door, chuckling softly.

"Such an idiot..." Tom blushed, walking to his room. 

"He kissed me!" ♡ MattTom fluffWhere stories live. Discover now