Emotion Sensing

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(Nightmare POV)

I awoke awhile ago and the scientists were still here. They noticed I was awake and one of them, this time a lizard monster who I immediately recognized as alphys, approached the glass. "U-um h-hello? N-nightmare is it? M-my name is A-alphys, I was wondering if you could s-speak for me please?" Alphys asked while stuttering a few times in her talk, nervously glancing at me before looking down at her hands. "..." Not saying anything, I stare at alphys who's nervously fidgeting in place before deciding to move off the rock I was sleeping on with dream who was currently asleep and towards alphys who seemed startled by me coming towards her.

Stopping where the glass met the water, I stared at alphys who seemed to shrink under my stare before deciding to say something. "You currently feel, nervous, scared, and in awe. Am I wrong?" I asked while tilting my skull at alphys. "H-how?" Alphys asked with a bewildered but amazed look in her eyes. "Easy, while I can't affect your emotions with my aura and use my magic, I can still sense what you feel without magic plus it's quite easy to tell what your feeling from your body movements, eyes, and facial reactions." I said while watching as alphys and the other scientists stared at me in surprise.

"Woah, I didn't know you could sense emotions! And I've been working here the longest!" A human lady scientist said with shock in her eyes. "Well, surprise?" I said before adding on. "I don't know if dream can sense emotions like me though. But knowing him, he probably can." I said with a thoughtful look on my face before turning to where dream was still peacefully sleeping. "I hope you all can keep this a little secret for now?" I asked while turning my attention back to the scientists.

"O-of course, we'll keep it a secret until you want i-it revealed! R-right guys?" Alphys said while turning to her fellow comrades. "Yep!" The rest of the scientists said while smiling at me. Sensing their emotions I am relieved to feel that they're not lying and send a small smile back at them before turning away and back to dream. Once I made it back to dream I hugged him close while wrapping my tail around his and then closed my eye sockets shut, listening in as the scientists spoke about random topics.

(A few hours later-)

(Nightmare POV)

I was currently swimming around after dream, who woke up awhile ago and was bored and decided to play with me. Chasing after dream, I nearly catch him but fail when he suddenly twirls around and uses his tail to throw sand at me. Stopping in surprise for a second, I stare at the sand before quickly continuing on, swimming through the sand unaffected and chased after dream who showed a surprised look when he saw I quickly figured out his trick.

"Dream! Don't think that sand attack will work on me, I know your tricks!" I exclaimed while catching up to dream who was starting to tire. "But how! I thought you said you lost most of your memories?!" Dream exclaimed in bewilderment. "I don't know but I have the feeling I know what stunt your gonna try pulling next!" I said while grinning as I almost caught up to dream. "We'll see about that!" Dream yelled to me before suddenly stopping and once I got close enough he tried to fake a dodge sideways before trying to dive underneath me but failed when I tackled him down without falling for the fake dodge.

"Oh come on! Nighty are you sure you actually lost your memories and don't just have goldfish memory?!" Dream said from under me. "Nah, I definitely don't have goldfish memory. I'm not that dumb y'know?" I said while still laying on top of dream, staring down at him with a victory grin. "Brother! Your smashing me again!" Dream complained from under me. "Deal with it." I said while not budging even when dream struggled underneath me.

"Nightmare! You need to exercise more! Your heavy!" Dream complained with a huff. "Hey! Also fine, I'll exercise more if you join me in exercising. Who knows maybe it's just you who needs stronger bones." I said while moving off of dream. "Hmph, my bones aren't weak!" Dream said with a pout before adding onto his sentence. "I'll join you in exercising if it means you getting less heavy!" Dream said while turning to me. "Alright." I said while nodding my skull in agreement.

"Oh right, dream I was wondering... Can you also sense others emotions?" I asked while holding dream back by gently grabbing onto his arm. "You can still sense others emotions?" Dream asked with surprise and happiness in his eyelights. "That's a relief! I thought you couldn't sense others emotions anymore!" Dream said happily. "So I knew how to sense emotions like you even before I lost my memories?" I asked while staring at dream. "Well yes, I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't know if you could still sense others emotions or not so I didn't say anything." Dream said with a look of guilt in their eyelights.

"It's fine dream." I said with a soft smile before continuing on. "I uh- may or may not have told the scientists about being able to sense emotions, I hope your not upset?" I said watching dream's reaction, luckily dream didn't seem upset if anything he seemed delighted. "You did?! I've been wanting to tell them since forever! It's just I didn't know if you wanted to tell the scientists or not back then." Dream said with a happy look on his face. "Yeah... Though dream, I told them not to tell anyone else and I'm hoping you'll do the same?" I said before watching as dream's happy look went into one of confusion.

"Huh? Why don't you wanna tell anyone else?" Dream asked with a confused head tilt. "Well I want it to be kept a secret for now because what happens if they figure out a way to block our emotion sensing powers too? We won't be able to tell what they're feeling anymore which makes me a little uncomfortable. I wanna wait until I can master how to tell what one's feeling without depending on using my emotion sensing power. Y'know?" I said to dream who seemed to be absorbing everything I said with a understanding expression.

"Got it! I'll keep my mouth shut then until we both master being able to tell others emotions without help from our emotion sensors!" Dream said with a nod. "That's good. Also we call our emotion sensing thing emotion sensors huh?" I asked while staring where the scientists were chatting with each other. "Yup! That's what me and you came up with when we both figured out we could sense others emotions!" Dream said while also staring at the scientists. "I see. It's a nice name." I said while moving my attention from the scientists and to me and dream's sleeping rock.

"Hey dream how long was it since I had this hit to the skull incident?" I asked while heading back to our rock. "It's been about a year. You just started responding to me two days ago which I'm still relieved and happy about. I thought you wouldn't ever be the same again ever since the incident. So imagine my relief and happiness when you finally spoke and reacted normally towards me!" Dream said while swimming ahead of me to sit on the rock.

"A year huh? That's quite a long time... Also I'm happy I'm not worrying you anymore." I said while sitting down beside dream. "Yup!" Dream said before suddenly hugging me. "Please, be careful okay? I don't want you getting hurt like that again." Dream quietly said while still clinging onto me. "I'll be careful from now on, so no need to worry too much." I said while hugging dream back. "That's a relief." Dream said with a relieved look before snuggling into my rib cage, tail curling around mine.

"Can we take a nap?" Dream asked while staring up at me. "I don't see why not." I said before curling up into a sleeping position, dream still against my ribcage. "Sweet dreams, dream." I said while readjusting my tail to properly wrap around dream's tail. "You too brother!" Dream said back while letting out a yawn, sleepily snuggling into me with a soft smile on his face. A few minutes later and dream was asleep, seeing dream was asleep I smile before looking towards the scientists who were staring at us.

Seeing I caught them staring, the scientists immediately looked away and continued on with chatting with each other. Sometimes glancing me and dream's way while quietly cooing at us. Seeing the scientists were just looking, I relaxed slightly and finally set my skull down near dream's before letting sleep engulf me.

Have a relaxing day and night!


Dream and nightmare can sense others emotions even with the gloves on.

Dream doesn't want nightmare to end up hurt again.

Nightmare is still wary of the scientists.

I'm reborn as nightmare but as a mer?Where stories live. Discover now