Scarlett's POV
I was sitting in loser class between Noah and Izzy reading The Yellow wallpaper.
"Harold's num-yo? Where'd you find that?" Dj asked LeShawna, getting my attention. Sure enough, LeShawna was holding Harold's yo-yo, or as he reffered to it, and I vowed never to, his num-yo.
"Dang fool wanted me to have it" LeShawna smiled sadly
"I'm really sorry he's gone" Dj apologized.
Chris entered the room. "And how is everyone back here? That is what I would ask if I cared. Coming through, make way!" he said, walking past us
"Where are you taking us next? Can it please be a place with no pinball of any kind?" LeShawna requested.
"Or being shoved out of planes" Alex added.
"Or pandas" Dj sniffed
"Or candied fish tails" I said, wrinkling my nose in disgust.
"huh? wha? fish tails?! Where?" Owen asked excitedly as he woke up.
"Our next destination is all you just asked for! And more!" Chris smiled, before leaving.
Well, I'm quite glad I wrote my will before coming on this show. I want all my things to be burnt in a volcano to ensure that my siblings get nothing.
The plane started rattling around.
"AHHHH! WE'RE GONNA DIEEE! AH! AHHHH!" Owen screamed, before Alejandro gave him the pressure point pinch causing him to shut up and fall asleep.
The plane crashed into the ground. We went to the doors and fell out onto snow. My head was spinning.
Owen jumped out of the plane last and landed on us.
Scarlett: Ok, where is the passport with my face on it? Give it to me.
"Welcome to the Yukon!" Chris grinned. He was wearing a snow jacket, mittens, and long pants.
We all went to a starting line, shivering madly. Except for Alex, he seemed to not be bothered by the temperature in the slightest.
"Um, hello? Where are our jackets?" Heather asked furiously.
"Relax, I ordered coats for everyone!" Chris reassured her. We all cheered. "They wont be ready for weeks, but as soon as they arrive, I'll be sure to hand them out!"
Alex: Bet you that he'll hand them out in some hot country, like Mali or India, if he even ordered them in the first place
"M-m-maybe we should huddle for warmth?" Courtney said.
Cody tried to hug Gwen, but she rejected him, and Sierra grabbed him. Four girls latched onto Alejandro, and Noah tried to huddle Bridgette.
"I h-have a b-b-boy f-f-friend!" she said
"You can cuddle me buddy!" Owen said, before picking up Noah.
I latched onto the nearest person, who turned out to be Alex, which was a bit of a bad move on my part, given that several people seem to believe we should 'hook up'.
"Little chilly without mittens" Chris smirked
"Cocoa?" Chef offered, handing him a drink.
Chris drank some.