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"Wait, what did you just say?"

"U-uh, Eren look. I-I just don't think that we're right for each other." The two toned horse face replied.

Now this made me angry, but I kept my cool. "Uh-huh. So, tell me about this....Marco person, then. Who is he? Is he nice? Is he caring? Is he....oh I don't know? Cute? Adorable? Fucking hot?" I repeated the words that he had texted to this Marco person, back to him.

"M-Marco?! How did you-?! U-uh w-well, I-I mean, he's just a-a f-f-friend. Haha." He nervously scratched the back of his head, to which I raised my eyebrows at him. "So a friend, huh?" I crossed my arms over my colorful work apron. "Y-y-yeah. Haha."

I could see him start to fidget and sweat from my intense glare. "Jean. The truth. Now," I demanded. Usually, I'm a nice guy, but when you piss me off, shits about to go down.

"W-well, y-you see. M-me and him....w-we kind of....well, we kind of y'know....we-we s-started out as friends, and after awhile we, well, we found that we were just....right. For each other?"

I chewed on my bottom lip, covering my eyes with my longish chestnut hair and pulled the bouquet of flowers that I was working on before he came in the store.



"You fucking cheated on me?!?!"

I finally lifted my head and beat him with the flowers.

"You fucking bastard! I'll fucking kill you, you bastard! You dick! You asshat! You shitface!"

"Ow! Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Damn, how can you hit so hard with fucking flowers?! Ow!"
As soon as I stopped to take a breath, Jean bolted for the door.

"Oh no you don't, you fucking horse face bastard! Get back here!" I ran outside with angry and sad tears in my eyes. 'That fucking bastard. How dare he!' I yelled in my head. "Jean! You fucking asshat! Get your ass back here!"

I was still chasing him when suddenly he bumped into someone in some expensive looking clothes. "What the fuck?! Watch where you're fucking going, fucking shitty brat!" The rich man yelled at Jean. "Huh?!" I stopped as to not run into the man in front of me and my jaw dropped at the sign that the man was holding up. At me. I stared at the sign, and then I looked up at him.

He was a few inches shorter than me, had neat, black hair styled in an undercut and striking steel eyes that were widened in shock and horror as he realized that he was holding the 'Will you marry me?' sign at me. "Huh?!"

*flash* *flash*

Out of nowhere, a million cameras flashed and started taking pictures, while people squealed, whooped, and whistled.

"Crap! Say yes dammit!"


Wait, what?!

Short first chapter! Thanks for reading guys! This is my first story and I'm kind of nervous about posting it. :) but more will be out. I don't really have an update schedule, but I'll try to update whenever I can. And of course there might be some mistakes (or a lot, lol!) so please offer some constructive criticism. Like my teacher always said, "I'm the one who wrote it so of course I'm not gonna see my mistakes. That's why I need you guys!" I'm also new on watt pad so I don't really know how all of these things work, but I'll eventually learn! Thanks again for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter! Peace! ✌🏻

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