Fractured Heart: Part 1

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Hello weary traveler! 

Come sit by the fire and let me tell you a story. A story of pain and sorrow but also happiness and delight. With ups and downs and all arounds!

This story is about a broken character leaving his one true love but it comes with a special twist that you will find out!



The Lockwood Estate - Defeat of the Hybrid King:

With a loud snap the Ultimasaurus, a hybrid thought to be so powerful no other could even dream of defeating was defeated. As Terry dropped the now limp mega theropod, he and Smaug roared into the night in victory.

It was a hard fought battle and had everyone exhausted yet that didn't stop a certain Indoraptor from running to check on someone he cared deeply for.

"Blue!" Ripper yelled from across the massive underground chamber the fight had taken place in. The raptor that Ripper was in such a rush to get to was the sole surviving raptor of Isla Nublar, Blue. While at first being enemies, the two raptors had grown close. So close they would risk it all for one another.

As Ripper neared his fallen "friend" he slipped on his own feet, sliding a couple meters before regaining his balance and finally arriving by her side. After surveying her wounds and seeing that she was going to survive he gave a sigh of relief and dipped his head down. Soon after he sighed the other Nublar raptors, now reborn, came up to check on their sister.

"Is she ok?" Charlie, the youngest, asked the large raptor with the other two standing off to the side waiting for his response.

Ripper took a deep breath before replying to him. "She will be fine, just a little bruised and maybe a concussion but that's it." he finally said while looking at the unconscious raptor in front of him. He didn't know what he would've done if Blue had died in this battle as he smiled knowing she would live.

Suddenly a thought crossed his mind, 'This is my fault. I'm the one who dragged her into this mess, if it wasn't for me then she would be out in the wild safer than she would be here.'

In that moment Ripper made a decision that would greatly alter the future in drastic measures. Delta however noticed his quizzical face and questioned him before he could enact his plan.

"What's with the face? You aren't gonna go all evil and kill us right?" she asked with a face of suspicion. The last time she trusted a hybrid her entire family was torn apart and she died, so she saw it perfectly fine to judge this very similar looking hybrid for what he could do.

"This was all my fault" Ripper said while looking at the ground before continuing "If I never existed Blue would be safer and better off.". The squad were quite shocked by what they were hearing, this guy was so struck with guilt he wished he didn't exist so that their sister would have a better life. "Hey man don't talk like that." Echo said, trying to reassure him that him existing didn't have anything to do with Blue being hurt.

This didn't stop Ripper from still thinking the way he was thinking.

In their minds, the raptor squad knew that Blue had taken a special liking to this big and scary looking raptor. Behind his sadistic looking smile and piercing cat-like eyes was a very nice and humble raptor.

In his mind, Ripper knew what he had to do. He didn't want to do it but if it meant protecting the raptor he loved, then so be it.

"I need to leave." he said to nobody in particular but loud enough for the surrounding raptors to hear. Charlie was quick to respond, trying to look at the light side of things "Of course you're gonna leave with us man you-"

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