Broken Raptor: Finale

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Owen cared for his raptors like they were one of his own. He had seen every major moment of their lives and raised them to their fullest. He didn't want them to hunt this highly intelligent predator that he didn't even know was. It tricked 6 adult humans at once and knew how to speak clear english. So when Vic Hoskins showed up at the raptor paddock to enforce orders from Masrani, he was a little ticked off.

"This is ridiculous, they shouldn't be forced to do anything for you or that stuck up CEO." Owen said angrily as he followed behind Hoskins. They were approaching the holding stalls of the raptors.

Hoskins simply ignored him as they continued walking. He was still angry over the hook he received from Owen upon informing him of the operation now happening. He never liked the raptor trainer anyway. His thoughts were interrupted as he and Owen arrived at the stalls to see men attaching cameras to the heads of each raptor.

"Come on Owen, they don't get a say in anything. They're Ingen property and animals for that matter. Since when did prehistoric animals have rights?" the white haired man attempted to joke to get the mood up. This only made Owen angrier as he went on a rant about how they could literally talk and had the same brainpower as majority of humans. It fell of deaf ears though as Hoskins gave the go to to move the raptors to their launch stalls.

Once Owen finished he said "They aren't built for war. They could die in this interaction and I've already lost 2 of them. I will not lose what little I have left-" suddenly Hoskins turned to Owen and got in his face.

"You are either part of this operation and come with us or you aren't and stay here. So make up your damn mind or I'll make the decision for you." he said with full seriousness. This convinced Owen enough to join the operation, albeit not liking that he had to. With the confrontation over nearby guards escorted Owen to his bike, the bike he would be riding on alongside the raptor pack.

A little time would pass before the rest of the soldiers were ready to go but once they were it was just a waiting game for whenever the raptors were released. Owen brought out the tracker so that all of the raptors could track the hybrids scent. Each had different reactions to the smell, some smelled death while others smelled a familiar scent.

Charlie vocally stated his concerns by saying "Jeez Owen, what the hell has this guy done?". He was one of the raptors who only smelled the horrible stench of death upon the scales and tracker. Owen told him that the hybrid had murdered many assets and humans prior to the hunt in a blood thirsty rage making the raptors shiver.

Blue on the other hand smelled something strange. 'What is that smell?' she thought to herself as she took a big whiff of the tracker. 'It smells..... familiar' she thought but was soon deprived of the tracker and the smell but it just wouldn't leave her head. She could've sworn she knew who this guy was but couldn't remember the name. In that moment she decided that she would find this hybrid and solve this mystery behind his scent vaguely being in her memory.

Once every raptor had gotten the scent and could now track the hybrid down Owen gave the green light to open the stalls. Once they opened the pack burst forward at full speed, sprinting into the jungle in the assumed direction of the hybrid. Owen revved his motorcycle and took off after the raptors, catching up within a couple seconds and riding at pace with them. The soldiers followed behind but didn't get too close in fear of the raptors turning on them.

After running in silence for a couple of minutes, Echo seemed to slow down slightly as if he was catching on to something. Delta noticed and motioned for Blue and Charlie to come back seeing as they hadn't noticed Echo stopping. They soon jogged back to see what was going on.

"What is it Echo?" Owen asked as he parked his bike, looking at the raptor in question. He could be seen sniffing the floor before looking up into a tree. "He's here." was all he said before each raptor and human looked up into the pitch black part of the tree. While they couldn't see whatever was there they knew there was something up there.

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