Chapter One

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"Go! Happy Happy Frost!"


A boy, couldn't be older than 16, casually walked to school. His eyes stared foreword, ignoring the fight scene happening around him. He was heading to school, and I'm sure they had other stuff to do too. Like that loud 'Happy Happy Frost' girl, or Sakura Hana. He shivered. That stupid girl, always thinks that she's the main character while still finding time to stalk him, do high school work, AND fight monsters somehow. No wonder, from what he's heard, she's failing...

"Hey! Florence!!"

Oh fuck. Not him again. As if the magical girl wasn't enough, here's some demon-in-a-high school person. Kuroo. He never told Florence his last name.

"Ah... Kuroo."

"Haha! Young Hamilton-"

"Choose a name, man. Florence or Hamilton."

"Today, we shall take over nature itself!"

"... yes, I know we have a gardening club meeting today. I told you yesterday after we talked about homework."

"You mean our quest!"


Florence Hamilton. Black hair, pink eyes, slight acne on his shoulders that he covers by wearing sweaters. The most normal looking kid in his high school, yet also the only one with common sense. Weird.









All these kids... that Florence drowned out. Everyone in this school is insane. Except Florence and his friend, Hime. Florence couldn't give two craps about some of these people. Sakura is Low key a stalker, Kuroo is delusional, Atsushi can "talk to ghosts" (he says so, Florence doesn't believe it). All of these people are crazy. Hime was psychic, but chill. Florence sat in the back of a classroom, NOT by the window. He sat by the door.

"Psst! Flour! Flour!" A green haired person leaned over to Florence, poking his fluffy black hair, only to get ignored.

So they decided to poke his sorta-pink roots on the top of his head. And they got a slap to the hand.

"What, Ruler? I'm trying to focus on what this dumb teacher is saying." Florence thought, knowing well that Hime could hear him.

"There's gonna be an exchange student from Japan! For America, there's a lot of Japanese names of the students. It'll be nice to finally get a true Japanese name owned by someone from Japan!!"

"You're delusional. Knowing what's been going on so far, I bet their name is going to be Captain Beardhead or something."

"You're funny, Flour."

"I know I am."


"Oh great, lunch. Can't wait to see what my mom gave me. Bet it's the same thing- strawberry milk and PB&J." Our protagonist said monotone-ly

"Can I get the sandwich? I'll give you a chocolate!" Hime replied with, poking his head again.

"Sure, whatever."

Behind the school, there sat two people. Of course, Florence and Hime. The black haired boy looked around, making sure he saw all 360 degrees around him. Then, he saw a blue strand of hair.

"Ugh... stop following me, Sakura."

"Aww~ that's no fun!"

Sakura popped out from behind the box where she was hiding. Behind the school. Where there usually isn't any boxes.

"For someone who loves Flour so much, you really like to piss him off." Hime giggled, almost choking on the sandwich in their mouth.

"Stop talking with your mouth full, Ruler."

"Florence!! You've gotta date me!"

"Stop talking, Sakura."

Sakura's eyes dropped. Why can't she just date this hot, handsome, and adorable man? He's her hero!

"Flour doesn't look cute, you're delusional."

"Oh, shut it! He's adorable! Divine!"

"He's still sleeping with a stuffed animal cat."

Sakura looked at Florence, and he stared directly at her.

"So what if I do? What's so bad about it?"

"That's.... Cute."

Hime laughed, catching Sakura and Florence off guard. They looked directly at Sakura.

"Hey, Kura, someone is trying to look for you. You'd better get back."

"Ah! It must be Atsushi!" Sakura ran off, eyes expectantly.


"Ah. Lunch is over." Florence's pink eyes stared at his strawberry milk carton, now empty.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some more before the meeting today."

"... thanks."

Even more ringinginging

"School is exhausting." Florence yawned, looking at Hime.

"Hey, Flour, stop yawning! We have a meeting! For the gardening club!"

"Ah, shit, you're right."

When the two finally got to the club room, they saw... chaos.


The room was a mess. So many plants on the table. So many plants on the floor. What the hell happened?

"Hey prez!" A white haired boy popped up from behind the table, "I promise, this is for good reason!"

Florence sighed. "Don't call ME the president, I'm the VICE president."

"But the real prez isn't ever here..."

"Let's just get to buisness."

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