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"𝐈𝐌 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘" Kentrell lied to the guard that stood in front on him with a plate of food, it was a in a to-go plate so he didn't know what was exactly in it

"Nardo gave me strictly orders to make sure you eat this, please don't be difficult" The guard explained holding the plate out

"Tell nardo I said fuck him and his wack ass food, I needa home cooked meal" Kentrell yawned

He almost felt like a prisoner, he couldn't leave his room, unless hasein was gone, he couldn't do anything, but he still did what he wanted to

Being cooped up in a room all day was killing him, deep down he didn't like the way he was treated, but had too much pride to care

"Please just cooperate, the boss is already doing the most, if I was you I wouldn't want to add on to that" The guard sighed

"No, nie you can leave" Kentrell shooed the man away, getting back comfortable, he unraveled a strawberry shortcake Swiss role, eating it in almost one bite

He was starving literally this time

"Nothing ta' do!" Kentrell yelled out in frustration

He stood up stomping around the room, making as much noise as he could, he didn't plan on following any rules now

Even if it was wrong, he was going to use his pregnancy on every mood swing he had, it partly wasn't a lie, he couldn't tame it most of the time

"Hope dis bitch burn down! Somebody needa come blow this whole house up!" Kentrell continued to yell

Slipping his house shoes on Kentrell stomped purposely down the stair, the smell of weed hitting his face, he scrunched up his nose, walking past the living room right into the kitchen

"What am I gonna eat!?" Kentrell yelled, hands cupping his mouth  

He opened the pantry smiling at all the snacks, almost like it was meant for him to come down here and open the pantry

Grabbing the pack of white powered donuts, he waddled to the counter designed in the middle of the kitchen

"Imma be literally fat fo' real when I pop dis baby out, since I'm eating all dis junk" Kentrell spoke to his self

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄| 𝙱𝚇𝙱Where stories live. Discover now