The pranks by our mischievous fishcake

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I am not even gonna bother with that intro of the Kyuubi attack as we all know what happens Kyuubi released and yada yada.

Today was a peaceful day in Konohagakure no Sato like any other day. The civilians were waking up as the sun came out and started to shine down on the village. The morning is filled with the noises of civilians doing their work. Then we cut to the scene of a blond boy on top of the Hokage monument with a paint brush in his right hand and the paint bucket in other hand as he is dangling on the side of the monument with a rope. He seemed to be painting on the faces of the hokage. Nobody noticed him painting the monument.(A/N: How the hell do you not notice a blond boy painting the mountain that is visible from miles away and how the fuck you not notice the paint appearing.He laughed as he looked proud of his work.

                      Meanwhile inside the Hokage's office

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                      Meanwhile inside the Hokage's office.

A man with spiky brown hair wearing a bluish black jacket with a green vest on top and  wearing blue trousers was standing infront of a man with black hair tied into a ponytail wearing bluish black shirt with a brown vest on top of it were standing in front of and old man who was writing in a scroll. The guy in the brown vest spoke and said, "There's a problem Lord Third." The man now identified as the Third Hokage asked, "Did that  Naruto do something again?". The man in the brown vest said, "Yes, he climbed over the monument and vandalized the faces of the Hokage." The Third Hokage just sighed and puffed his pipe.

                     Cut to Naruto who is getting chased

Naruto was running from roof top to roof top as he was getting chased with a guy with spiky brown hair and green vest together with the guy who had a bandana and an eye patch. The guy with the bandana yelled, " Naruto, you have gone really far this time. Why did you do it?". Naruto just laughed as he kept jumping from roof top to roof top and yelled, " I don't care. You know your problem? You can't do the things I do! Only I can do this. I'm better than all of you, dattebayo."  

              Now for his second prank as he is sneaking into anbu headquarters

We see a blond spiky hair again as he slowly makes his way to a place that is kinda isolated. He looks towards the entrance as he sees two people with animal-styled porcelain masks. He grinned silently as he dropped a smoke bomb and distracted the guards and got in. The people outside the gate were confused but thought it was another one of Naruto's mischief again and ignored it. They were pretty used to things like this as Naruto would randomly throw paint bombs and stuff to them fro attention and stuff. When he was inside he slipped into the locker room which was empty and decided to paint all the clothes, body armor, weapons etc that he could find in obnoxiously bright colors like orange and pink. He also decided to give a make over to the room and repainted the entire thing to look pinkish and stuff. After that, he quietly opened the door and saw nobody so he quickly snuck out of the locker  room and slowly escaped through the back door.

The Third Hokage who was looking through his crystal ball was thoroughly impressed by Naruto as he snuck past the ANBU's. After a few hours, the ANBU teams returned to the H.Q and when they went to the locker rooms they were horrified by the scene there and all had one culprit in their minds. "NARUTO!!!!" was heard throughout the village as some ANBU  members decided to capture him and punish him by making him clean the mess. But the loud obnoxious blond was no where to be found as the ANBU  were searching throughout the village.

End. This is my first story so yall go easy with the comments. I was bored so my mind decided to make a story and here I am now writing to hopefully any readers that may have  stumbled upon here. So, ye I will start the main plot in the next chapter this was just a filler type of chapter and see you guys in the next chapter. God damn, writing this is a pain.

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