The letter and Suna

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(A/N: I am legit starting this 5 minutes after the first one. Ah this gonna be fun.)

We see a bird fly through the partially cloudy sky. The bird has a message in its claws. So, its a messenger bird. As the camera changes to the back side of the bird we see a village with a huge green gate with some red marks. As the camera closes up to the bird, the bird has by now reached  a huge red building with a white circular roof top with 4 spikes. It is a three story house with a circular shape that gets thinner as the building gets taller. 

The messenger bird then proceeded to land on a window and knocked on it with it's beak

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The messenger bird then proceeded to land on a window and knocked on it with it's beak. The Third Hokage looked towards the window as he opened the window and untied the envelope that was in the bird's leg. The bird then proceeded to fly only to be seen again if it needed to deliver a message. (Bye  birdie) .  The Hokage then proceeded to open the envelope and saw a letter there and opened it. He was slightly surprised when he saw it was blue with  the kanji "風" wind stamped on to it. He started to read the letter.

(A/N: Dear Hiruzen or Hokage or what  meh just gon do both wait dear oh god damn this is gonna be a pain to write )

To Hiruzen Sarutobi,

The Third Hokage.

IT IS I DIO( sorry bout that, ahem)

I would like to address about a problem that has been going on in Sunagakure No Sato for a while. The wind daimyo seems to be cutting funds and sending missions to Konoha instead. This has greatly started to damage the  budget and living conditions of people. I would like to see if you could do something  about the funds and while we are at it I would also like to increase our alliance as it is expiring soon and Iwa shinobi's have been spotted in the mountains of  Kawa No Kuni. (Land of rivers)(AIN: It borders Ame and Land Of Rivers but there was a mountain symbol am confused) Although, Iwa is still recovering from the last war I doubt our forces could last against them since we are weakened by the daimyo cutting our funds and we can't reserve a lot of shinobi's for a war. I highly doubt Iwa will attack now since the treaty is still not expired but I have a feeling Iwa would declare war on us  after the treaty expires. With that out of the way I would like to conclude this letter and hope to meet you soon.

By Sabaku No Rasa,

Yondaime Kazekage.

The third closed the letter and blew his pipe as he started to rub his temples. He sighed and prepared to leave to Suna the next day. He then looked up and to his horror by the time he was reading the letter his number one enemy the paperwork had managed to double. He sighed again and muttered something about troublesome paperwork and lighting it on fire with a fire jutsu. 

In the Nara compound

A man with pineapple top hair style with two scars along his right side of the face sneezed. "Damn someone must be dealing with a troublesome thing, how troublesome.", he said.

As Hiruzen started to do his paperwork he heard a knock on his door. "Come in", he said. When the door opened Hiruzen saw a familiar blond spiky hair with orange jumpsuit enter. Hiruzen smiled as he saw his successor's son and his grandson figure stand infront of him. He said, " Naruto, my boy what do you need this time?". The boy now identified as Naruto asked, " Ne ne, Jiji why don't we go and have some ramen?". The old kage looked at Naruto and then looked back at his paperwork and said," Sure, why not. It's better than this damned paperwork." Naruto slightly chuckled as he saw his "Jiji" get mad about some papers.

                                              At Ichiraku's 

We see two figures in a small shop both slurping on ramen. The taller one was a old man that looked to be in his mid 60's wearing a white robe with red on the inside and a white and red hat with the kanji "火" embedded on it. While, the shorter one was a young spiky blond hair who looked like he was around 8 years old. The Hokage then said, "Naruto, my boy do you want to come with me to go to Suna?". Naruto stopped slurping on his ramen and looked at the old man in surprise. He never thought the old man would let him accompany him in a trip that also outside of Konoha. He nodded his head quickly as he said "Sure, Jiji. You're the best" as he gave the old man a hug. Hiruzen just chuckled and said, "Well the village could use a little time off from your pranks". Naruto too joined Hiruzen in his chuckle.

                        The next day

Sun rose over Konoha as people got up and started their daily routine. Near the Konoha gates you could see 4 figures going towards the gate to leave the village. The four man squad consisted of a man with a dog mask that had gravity defying silver hair, a woman with long purple hair with a cat mask. These two were the Hokage's personal ANBU escorts  Dog and Cat. And then for the other two figures it was Sarutobi Hiruzen with his Hokage robes and next to him was a 8 year old Naruto. "So, Naruto my boy are you ready for this trip", asked the old Hokage. The spiky blond just nodded his head. "Well, this may be a type of training as we are going to be walking for a long time", said Hiruzen. "How long does the trip take?", asked a curious Naruto. Hiruzen replied with, "Maybe around a week at civilian speed since you are here." The said boy just nodded his head. They walked out of the gates with Inu(Dog) reading a book ( Icha Icha: Paradise) while a clearly frustrated Neko(Cat) threatened to burn his book for reading it infront of a kid. Hiruzen just chuckled at his ANBU's antics.

Next chapter: Sunagakure No Sato 

Ah god damn I now have new found respect for fellow authors who write stories with over thousands of words. You gonna be real tired man.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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