บทที่ 00.

247 7 3

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

With my arms, I forcefully pulled the thick sheet that covered my body until leaving the upper part of it completely uncovered. Opening my eyes with a start and gasping for breath, I dedicated myself to stretching my numb body and lazily looking around me, releasing after a few minutes a heavy sigh when noticing how it was not dawn yet, and like the previous nights, I had woken up again for no apparent reason in the middle of the night.

Resigned I got up and sat on the edge of my bed, while I stretched out my right arm and took my phone from the nightstand next to my bed, disconnecting the charger when I noticed how the battery was already completely full.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as they focused and saw the time.

It was 03:03 AM.

With a silent grunt, I fell back onto my bed, kicking between the sheets. After a few seconds I got up placing the phone on the nightstand and going to the bathroom that was in my room right in front of my bed, softly opening the door trying not to make so much noise, my bathroom door was a real junk. I didn't need to turn on the light in the bathroom since I sleep with it on, Although I hate the light when I go to sleep and therefore I cover myself from head to toe, that little light that comes out through a mini slit on the edges of the door is the only thing that makes sure I won't fall when I get up in the middle of the night.
I lowered my shorts and panties, sitting on the toilet, biting my lip angrily at how damn cold it was. I sighed feeling how my full bladder emptied claiming his peace while I fixed my gaze on the white tiles of my bathroom, when suddenly my sleepy mind seemed to click and I opened my eyes, putting a confused look on my face when I noticed a really weird coincidence.

Every night, i woke up at mirror hours. That is to say, the first night I woke up at 04:04 AM, the second at 01:01 and so the nights continued, repeating themselves over and over again. I bit my lip trying to remember what each hour meant from what I read earlier on Twitter, failing to remember anything. I dried myself, washed my hands and left the bathroom, leaving the door gently. I went to my bed and threw myself on it, I covered myself completely feeling the thick sheet strangely comfortable and cold, I placed myself on my right side and got into a fetal position while sighing, Could it have to do with the information I saw that day about shifting? No, it wasn't possible. I admit that I was very interested in the subject, but I have never made a script or seen any method to try to go. ¿Will it really have to do with the meanings of mirror hours and angelic numbers? I don't know what to believe the truth. After a while I could notice how my eyes began to close and I, without refraining anymore, ended up giving in to sleep, falling into a deep darkness.

I woke up and uncovered my upper body while keeping my eyes closed gently stretching my arms and letting out a sigh, trying to react and force my weak body to realize that I was already awake and needed to get up and try to make my life productive.

What if he just kept sleeping? Total, i had nothing good to do all day.

Yes, it is indeed the best option.

Determined, I started to fully wrap my body again, being interrupted by something stopping my arms and delicately holding my wrists, preventing me from wrapping myself up.

"Hey! You must get up and see the mansion, you cannot loaf around all day!” I heard a loud voice speak and covered my ears as she moaned. What a scandalous voice, God.

It was just at that moment that I realized something.

Who the hell grabbed me? As far as I know my room has a safe, so to get in they obviously have to knock on the door for me to open it.

Disconcerted, I sat up suddenly on the bed, ignoring the dizziness that ran through my head when I got up with such speed, directing my eyes towards where I thought that sound came from, I was stunned when I saw that colorful person in front of me looking at me with an expectant face and with his hands on his hips, followed by three boys in suits just behind him looking at me with tenderness.

What the fuck?!

If you notice any mistake, don't hesitate to tell me :), because when I move the Word chapters here some words are cut off.

Remember that English is not my first language.

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