chapter two. anne.

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Lily's life is like any other. She goes to an ordinary high school. She has no goals for life.

You can picture her as a leaf. Not knowing where she will end up, but will continue flying in the wind.

This story starts on a day similar to the repetition of everyday.

She arrives at school. Finds her locker. Puts her bags down. And is greeted by Anne.

Anne is the type of person who you can trust your secrets with, but you never know her life. She is a listener, not a talker.

This was peculiar for Anne to greet Lily, as they had no previous conversations.

Lily looks up and see's her freckled face and ruby eyes.

Lily likes to notice small details of the face, instead of making eye contact. It helps calm her.

Anne had a smile on her face, showing a little overbite.

Anne: Hey, your name is Lily correct? My name is Anne if you didn't know. How are you.

Lily: I'm fine.

Anne:Oh alright, I just came to check on you. I see you all the time but we've never spoken. It seems like you don't have many friends. Would you like to be my friend?

Lily: No, thank you, I don't really like friends.

Anne:Oh... Alright.... Well if you ever want to be friends I am here. Don't be afraid to talk to me.

Anne begins to walk away, with a small frown on her face.

Lily softly grasps Anne's shirt sleeve, making sure not to create any creases.

Lily whispers: Why do you want friends?

She is still holding on the the edge of her sleeve.

Anne: I don't really know. I guess there are some voids that books just can't fill. And sometimes it's nice to just talk to someone.

Lily lets go of the shirt. Making little eye contact. Looking at the spark in Anne's bright ruby eyes. If only for a moment.

Lily lowers her head slightly. And starts following Anne to their homeroom. Lily stares to the ground. Contemplating what just occurred.

Why did this girl talk to her. Was Anne trying to get something out of Lily? She was confused. But for once. She had a reason, it being small, but still a reason. To talk to someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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