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Lucia's Dad. Her own dad, that dad that left her, the dad who came home drunk and would hit her. Yeah that dad

"You! You piece of shit!" She yelled at him getting closer while he got in a fight stance.

"What? No hello to your old man? Aw how mean of you Luci." Chuckling to himself.

"You don't get to call me that anymore."

They both circled eachother waiting for the other to make a move until Lucia swung her fist at his face while he dodged and kicked her in the ribs.

Amelia and Winnoa watched and stood up from there seats, they didn't know that was Lucia's dad neither does it look like he's a good one.

Lucia crashed to the ground with her nose hitting the sand hearing a crack on impact.

'Dammit..he got my nose for sure'

Lucia get up to her feet while blood runs from her nose getting in a fight stance

"I know you to well." He smiles to himself.

"So do I"

Her fist swings again but instead she knees and gets him in the groin.

"Fuck! You-" He lands on his knees with his hands holding were he was punched.

"Love you to dad"

When he try's to stand Lucia kicks his knee and gets on top of him holding his hands back.

"Why did you leave me!"

He grunts and glares Into her brown hazel hues.

"I  did what I wanted to do and what's best."

Lucia feels hot tears forming as she grunts. He regains more strength and rolls over so there Switched.

"I'm sure you'll learn your lesson after this."

He punches her face with both hands left and right, moving down to her stomach punching and punching.

Lucia try's to cover herself but it hurts to move.

Did she deserve this? What did she do?

As the punches stop and he gets up patting his hands off.

He walks and raises his hands up.

"I win right? I win!" He yells.

But the buzzer doesn't go off and he's left looking at the crowd while 2 burning gazes from 2 certain witches burn through his eyes.

"I win the game! Turn the fucking buzzer on!"

"Hey dad I think you forget the kid you raised.."

As he was about to turn around A fist gets him square in the jaw and stomach knocking the wind out of him.

Stumbling back and hitting the ground gasping for air.

Lucia stands up while limping. Her face has purple bruises and blood smears all over her with her clothes dirty and bloody.

"The kid you raised almost turned out to be a copy of you. But I'm just the better version" She gives him one last wink and turns around to face the crowd.

Winnoa and Amelia smile and celebrate while the crowd cheers and claps. The buzzer finally goes off when hes knocked out completely being dragged out of the brawl.

"I win." Lucia gives the crowd her classic victory smile. "I win!!!"


Lucia is sitting in the nurse with her wounds being treated and some tissue stuffed In her nose.

Amelia and Winnoa rush in and hug her gently carefull not to agitate any wounds.

"Amazing job! YOU did amazing out there!"

Amelia kissed her cheek and pats her back.

"I didnt think you could fight,but I guess you proved me wrong huh?" She smiles

"Going soft on me blight?" Lucia smugs

"Pft in your dreams noceda." Amelia chuckles.

Maybe it's not so bad.

Lucia turned her eyes to see something catching her attention.

Brown short fluffy hair like hers with a purple hoodie walking past the window with a mint haired girl.

"Wait, wait I need to see something."

"But your wounds-" Winnoa was cut off.

"Fuck the wounds right now I need to see if-" She opens the door and looks where they were.

"Hey wait you!" She yells.

The girls stop and turn with the brown haired one looking shocked and excited.





Misunderstood [TOH WILLUMITY AU]Where stories live. Discover now