Accidental Encounter

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* Finally alone. I do feel bad for them but dad's always too much, i can take care of myself *. Dream walking, he fell and landed on something hard ( ? ).
'' Ouch ''. *Hmm... What is this ?*, Mira was still in shock, so he didn't realise the man he fell on still lying on the ground. '' Do you mind ?'', the man asked. Startled, Mira realised was happened and quickly stood up and help the man up too. * I'm really sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going, please accept my apologies ''. The man stood there silent, and then softly spoke '' Did your parents not teach how to propely apologise ? '' That man's voice, Mira found it very pleasing, it was like a soft whisper of love in one ears- wait..., what did he say about my parents ?. He snapped at him, '' hey you, i don't know who the hell do you think you are, but whose parents do you -''. Mira stopped right after seeing his face, for some reason he felt like he was the most gorgeous person he has ever seen. His heart started racing strangely fast and of course Mira, didn't know understand his self. He was about to angrily roar at this man but he just stood there silent. Mira then just left angrily and confused while the man who was scanning him minutes ago smirked, *i see you still haven't changed at all *, the man thought to himself.
''That boy is really trying to kill me from worriness'', said Estevan who just arrived to the park where his son went after being informed by his bodyguards that he escaped from them. Mira was indeed their only child but sometimes this father of his could overprotective over little things. For example, he didn't want Mira to attend school but to home schooled because he thought it was too crowded - like there's a school who wasn't -, or even when Helia convinced him to let him attend one, he said '' alright, but he won't go alone''. After weeks of Helia's reasonning, Mira's shutting himself in his room and starving himself, he finally gave up. And now there was he, searching for him like the bodyguards weren't there or like he just didn't a rendez-vous with a god in an hour.
'' Sir, there is the young master, he is coming this way ''. Estevan turned around to see his son and felt relieved. '' Do you even know how worried i was- ''. Mira just silently hugged his father and this one could feel that something was wrong, he was shaking. They just went to the car without Mira saying one word. '' Sweetheart, did something happened to you? ''. ''First off, you promised to stop calling me that, i'm not a child anymore. And secondly, yes...''. He then proceeded to narrate everything that happened after his escape and the strange feelings that he had experienced. Mira didn't except his father to suddenly start laughing, even the driver and the bodyguard in the car let out a slight laugh. '' I know someone who's going to be happy. I have a meeting with someone in a few minutes so let's just go home first and we will talk about that later'' said an amused Estevan to a shocked Mira.
When they arrived home, they were noticed that the guest came five minutes earlier than them and was with Helia already. They went to find them and when they arrived and Mira saw who the guest was, he felt his whole world shaking.

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