Chapter One: Pain.

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!Read desc before reading!

Emma Mountebank awoke to the chime of her alarm. She groaned and rolled over in her bed, reaching out and tapping on her phone screen, seeing it flash onto her lockscreen which was a picture she took of her best friend Abi as she stood outside with snowflakes drifting around her she was dressed in warm clothing. It was a beautiful picture. Emma smiled at it as she rubbed her eyes.

"Time to get ready I guess.."

Emma yawned and flung her duvet off of her frame, she swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood, stretching her limbs.

Emma dressed into a long sleeved black top and light jeans before throwing on a white patterned sweater. She tied her hair back in a high ponytail after brushing through her locks. Emma then tossed on some basic white socks before pulling up her duvet and smoothing out the creases in the fabric, making it look neat. She positioned her pillows up nicely against her bed head before swinging open her door and descending down the flight of stairs.

Emma made her way into the kitchen, finding a note left from her mother on the counter top. Emma picked up the piece of paper, her eyes scanning over the message.

Good morning! I have left early for work and your father still hasn't returned from nightshift, they must have been very busy!
I've left some bread out by the toaster and you know where all the spreads and whatnot are.
Please be on time for school, I love you, have a great day!
I'll see you tonight :)
- Mother.

Emma scoffed slightly at the print before placing it back down, she was occasionally alone at home in the mornings. Her father ran a wealthy business which he inherited from his father, it would be passed down to her when he retired. While Emmas mother worked as a news reporter, she would sometimes leave early if the film crew responsible for setting up would be short staffed and would need assistance for help.

Emma made her way over to the toaster and grabbed two slices of bread from the bag, she placed them into the machine and flipped the switch. Emma opened the cupboard door above the toaster and grabbed the jars of Jam and Peanut Butter before placing them on the bench space beside the toaster. Emma pulled open the cutlery drawer and withdrawed a butter knife. Emma then snatched a plate from a nearby drawer and placing all the items neatly next to eachother. Having finished setting up, Emma seated upon a stool which was against the kitchen island.

She eyed the marble print, tapping her fingers on the bench top as she waited for her toast. Emma fished her phone from her jean pocket and scrolled through Instagram. But soon a banner popped up on her screen and Emma smiled as she read it. She pressed on the notification, being directed into messages.


Abi-Gale: Hey Em! You coming to school today?

Emmaculate: Sure are! You? 😘

Abi-Gale: Yupp! Oh and is it alright if Nick walks with us?

Emma's smile turned downward into a frown quickly as she read over the message, she sighed deeply. Her and Abi would always walk together to and from school and would basically do everything together. But ever since Abi began dating Nick Furcillo, he had pretty much joined in on everything that  they did.

But although Emma did have feelings for her best friend she didn't want to upset her, or do anything that would make her seem uncomfortable. Of course Abi didn't know about Emma's feelings and that made everything worse. But she always had to pretend that everything was fine, while being 'happy' for Nick and Abi.

Emmaculate: Yeah, sure!

Abi-Gale: Thank you!! I better get going or I'll be late! I'll meet you at the usual spot!!!

Emmaculate: See ya soon!! 😊

Emma placed her phone on the counter and sighed, resting her chin in her palm.

Why does she have to be so damn oblivious..

She frowned, but the toaster chimed, indicating that her toast was done.


Emma grabbed the slices and began spreading the Jam on one.

Emma had been diagnosed a people pleaser, meaning she did everything to make others happy even if it made her feel terrible. This was a horrible case where that trait tied in. As she has stated before, she hates seeing others sad, and that was true.

Emma sighed yet again as she finished with the Jam, moving onto the Peanut Butter, spreading it onto the other piece.

But a notification sounded on her phone which made her pause and check her device, having hope that it would be Abi.

But her face fell as she read the screen, a tad of anger on her face.


JacobC: Hey Emma, how are you?

Emmaculate: Jacob, go away. I know what you want and the answer is no. How did you even get my number?

JacobC: Nick told me. And why? We were a great couple, why did you suddenly quit it?

Emma suddenly felt a pang of anger, how dare Nick!? She went through all the struggle of changing her number just so Jacob couldn't get it again. Surely he knew why he didn't have her number. How even did Nick get her number in the first place?...Abi. Of course, Abi told Nick everything.

Emma sighed through annoyance and exhaustion, this was the last thing she wanted to deal with this morning.

Ever since Emma broke up with the jock Jacob Custos, he had been harassing her to get back with him. To be honest, Emma never really liked him, she only dated him to try rid of the feelings she had for her best friend, a distraction. Also to hide the fact that she was a lesbian. She was afraid to be teased and bullied for it and she didn't want to be a disappointment to her family. Emma was an only child which meant her family relied on her to continue their line.

But it never worked with Jacob, so she broke up with him. It may have seemed unfair for the boy but he wasn't exactly the best boyfriend to Emma. He would never answer her messages and would only want to do things when he wanted, he never took her feelings into consideration.

Emmaculate: Jacob. I told you before we would have never worked out, and you treated me like shit.

JacobC: At least give me a chance! Let me show you that I can be better! Please!

Emmaculate: No Jacob. And quite frankly, I couldn't care.

JacobC: That's so unfair!! And mean!

Emmaculate: Jacob. What's unfair is how you treated me. And now you're saying I'm the bad guy? You know what, I can't be bothered talking to you anymore, I need to get ready.

You blocked this number.

Emma inhaled deeply, then exhaled, trying to be rid of all the annoyance.

She refused to think about Jacob as she finished her toast and begun munching on it, he wasn't worth her time.

Emma quickly finished and placed her dishes in the dishwasher before brushing her teeth and slinging her bag over her shoulder. She slipped on some sneakers and Emma's eyes scanned around her home.

"Goodbye house. I'll see you tonight."

Emma mumbled half to herself before making her way out of her front door and out onto the porch, locking the door behind her with her key.

Emma made her way to the sidewalk and began to walk in the direction of her meeting place with Abi, mentally preparing herself for what would happen in the day ahead..

And preparing for the pain she would feel seeing the girl she loved holding Nicks hand as they walked..

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