My Little Bubble

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My name is Kai Eela. I'm sixteen, have reddish hair, brown eyes, and a coppery tail.

That's right, I'm a mermaid.

I live about fifteen or so miles (is that the term? I'm trying to use human measurements and it's hard to remember what is what.) off the coast of Hawaii, in a small, isolated coral bed with my dad and sister Anuhea. Our nearest neighbors are the Lites and their son Ano, aka my archnemesis. He's fourteen, with blond hair, a blue tail, blue eyes, and a handsome face. My problem with Ano is that he always, always acts like he's swimming around with an swordfish stuck in his backside. He also acts tough, but the second he hears a boat the guppy is gone, with only a trail of bubbles as proof that he was even there.

My problem with him is that he and I used to be friends, always swimming races, teasing eels and sharks, and playing a couple of pranks now and again on divers, assuming they even came near enough the Coral for us to reach them.

But enough about that little urchin, I'll tell you about the rest of my family bubble.

Anuhea is the sweetest. She's ten years old, with pretty whitish-blonde hair, and a silver tail that reflects light so beautifully it seems every color of the rainbow. Anuhea is fast smart, kind, pretty, and cautious. She got it from mom according to our dad. I wouldn't know; I was only Five years when she disappeared.

"Gone," dad would always say when we asked. "Before I even knew what happened, just, gone."

Anuhea always asked too, "What was she like?" even after we had both heard about her a thousand times before. Neither of us ever gt tired of hearing it.

"Beautiful," he'd replied. "More than all the sea. Her eyes sparkled like stars. Mysterious. Brave. Oh, so, so brave. And kind, like you, little Anu, you get that from her, both of you, your kindness, and bravery, and wit."

"I'm not brave," Anuhea whined.

"I'm not nice." I grumbled.

He chuckled, and the sound would fill our little cave home with warmth and happiness, and even the grouchiest hermit crab couldn't help but feel good.

But the we would ask where they met, about her family, and he'd shut up tighter than a clam shell. An that would be the end of it. Dad would send us to bed with a kiss and hug, like always, but it would be half-hearted, and sad. His eyes would glimmer, when he looked at me sometimes, and even though I couldn't see the tears, I knew they were there.

Dad's probably the nicest merman in the seven seas, with his hearty, warm laugh, and twinkling gray eyes. His tail used to be silver like Anuhea's, but I guess the scales kind of got duller as he aged, until it was eventually just a light grayish color. Like a not-quite-storm-cloud.

I think that's everyone... well, besides my octopus Kaipo, but we'll get to her later.


A/N: Heey, it's Gemini. Thanks for reading, I hope you like it. Did you like the names? I wanted to use names besides to typical Coral or Serena so I looked up some actual Hawaiian names for the characters. Here's the meanings.

Anuhea: Mist of Coolness

Ano: Immaculate

Kai: From the Sea

Kaipo: Darling

Kai's dad's name is Hani, which means 'Happy'.

Her mother's name is Puanani, which means 'Gorgeous Flower'.

Hope you liked it! Comment and vote! First voter on this chapter gets a follow!

PS yes their mother is still alive, in case anyone was wondering.

Other hawaiian names introduced will be put in the A/N with their meanings!

Lotsa luv,


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