Aurora Carrington

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Ideas from tik toks

Hawk: who attacked you?

Aurora: how how did you-

Hawk: and your neck is red, someone has gripped it or held a knife against it. So I'm asking again who did it?

Aurora: no one

Everyone look at her in concern and pity except those who know she hates being looked at in pity.

[cobra Kai is seen new and upgraded]

Silver: class dismissed except you Carrington, I'll need you to stay a little longer

[the other cobra Kai students leave]

[Aurora walks over to Sensei Kim while the other senseis follow behind her standing in front of her is a stone figure]

James: I don't like where this is going

Lily: me either

Aurora: what is this?

Kim: this is your enemy destroy it

[Aurora touch the stone figure]

Aurora: it's solid stone I break my hand

Tory: I should never have left her alone in the dojo with them

Kim: it will heal in time for the tournament

Aurora[scoff]: this is crazy [Aurora look in between Silver and Kim] I'm going home

[Aurora goes to leave but three of the other senseis step in front of her stopping her from leaving]

Kim: you will go home when this lesson is over

An uproar is heard through the room.

Sam: I can't believe she went through all of that [she looks over at Tory] I'm so sorry

Tory: it's okay you already apologized and I have already forgiven you so has Aurora

[Aurora turn back to Kim and walk over to stand in front of the stone figure]

[Aurora punch the stone face before cradling her hand]

Kim: not hard enough to break it you must use all your power

Barty: man that's brutal

[Aurora hits the stone face again]

Kim: are you even trying?

[Aurora hits the stone face three times more before cradling her hand again slowly sinking yo the floor holding her hand in pain]

Kim: something is holding you back

Aurora: I can't do it

Kim: it's the boy isn't it? [Aurora look up at her as she scoff] you act strong but inside your soft

Aurora: that's not true

Kim: your feelings have made you weak

Aurora: no!

Kim: you care more about this boy than your own dojo!

Eli and Robby looks away from the screen knowing it was his and Robby's fault for walking into the dojo trying to convince them they where in the wrong dojo. Especially Eli since he knows he is the boy Kim is talking about

[Aurora stands up looking Kim in the face]

Aurora: I broke up with this boy because of this dojo you bitch

[Aurora goes to hit Kim but she moves out of the way causing Aurora to hit the stone punching through before falling down on her knees holding her hand]

People jump in shock.

Sam: she wasn't lying [muttering]

Silver: that must've been a hard decision, but you made the right choice. Let's hope you keep making them 

Kim: lesson over

[the senseis walk away leaving Aurora on the floor in pain]

Remus: is nobody gonna help her?

Everyone from cobra Kai and miyagi dojo look away.

Tory: that's not how cobra Kai works

Sam: what happened to you in that dojo?

[Sam, Demetri, Eli, Miguel, Robby and Tory all look at Aurora in concern]

Aurora: nothing

Sam:Aurora please

[Aurora thinking back to punching through the stone face]

Lily: she went through all that alone

Tory: and that isn't even the worst [muttering]

Even though she whispered it everyone heard it and looks at the screen in concern.

[The cobra Kai's and Miyagi dojo along with Tory and Aurora is standing in the dojo on each side]

Kenny: you know what happened if him and his friends ever stepped into this dojo again

Aurora: why don't you just show us instead of keep talking?

[They all begin fighting, Aurora kicks Kenny down]

Aurora: don't underestimate the things I will do

Yasmine: really don't

[they are all still fighting while Anthony is trying to upload the video]

Aurora: hurry Anthony!

Anthony: I'm trying! I got it!

[ the video show Silver beating up Stingray but change to Aurora and Silver plus Kim talking in his office]

Silver: because of you I had to pay the ref for you to win, because you're nothing but a pretty face. So don't come and tell me I cheated it was the only way for you to actually win for once

The Whole room was in chaos.

James: who the hell do he thinks he is

Aurora: some people got the real problems, some people out of luck. Some people think I can solve them. Lord heavens above I'm only human after all, I'm only human after all so don't put the blame on me

Sam and the rest of the miyagis look down in shame all knowing how they treated her.

[the video proceeds to show Silver beating Aurora along with Kim, everyone look at the screen in shock before looking over at Aurora who is avoiding eye contact]

There was even more chaos than before if that was even possible.

James: I'm gonna kill him

Johnny & Daniel: don't worry we already did

Kenny: why didn't you tell us?

Aurora: like you would have believed me? 'Hey our Senseis just beat me up because I wasn't good enough' cause that sounds so believable right?

Everyone looks away from the screen while cobra Kai and Miya go dojo look down in shame.

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