Chapter 4 - You said you wanted to talk to me about something?

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After having the Wakandan jet explode and fry Namor's ass, Shuri stood tall above his barely conscious body as she held a spear to his neck.

She wanted to kill him so badly...the memories she accumulated up to this point started to show up in her head. The day RiverTown was attacked, her mother's drowning, the throne room being attacked by Namor, her being in Namor's Atlantis...she didn't know what to do..

"Shuri," Ramonda spoke to her daughter from the ancestral plane.

"Mother," Shuri said tearfully into the distance.

"Show him who you are." The Queen Mother told her daughter.

Shuri knew what she had to do. She looked down on him as she still held the spear to his neck, "Yield and Wakanda will protect your oceans. We will protect your secrets. Yield and your people will live." She started to say,"Vengeance has consumed us. We cannot let it consume our people."

"Although you attacked Wakanda and killed my mother, I'm willing to let you live. You took away the last person who truly knew me. You even tried to kill Riri but I'm here to let you know that's she's forever off limits. Try and hunt her again and I won't be as forgiving as my fore-bearers. I will kill you."

"I surrender." Namor said with a dry mouth from having his ass beat badly. He knew that Shuri was serious in her threat and there was some power at play that stopped her from actually killing him. If her rage at totally consumed her, he'd be dead right now.


After the battle with Namor and his civilization, peace returned to Wakanda. Shuri replanted the heart shape herb and RiverTown was rebuilt.

But there was one person she wanted to see before she left to attend to other business.

Walking into her lab, she saw her favorite scientist at a workstation looking at something.

"Yo," The Royal called out walking up to Riri and gaining her attention. The younger girl felt kind of giddy all of a sudden around Shuri. You know it's not everyday Royalty comes and seeks you out.

"All set to head home?" Shuri asked. Personally, she wanted Riri to stay a little while longer so she could show her different parts of her world rather than just her lab but she knew Riri had to get back to her own life.

"As long as you're sure the police won't be waiting for me at the airport," Riri stated, having to ask just in case because she did not want to have a felony on her record.

"Don't worry. I've already taken care of that," Shuri assured her. If anything, the Princess would just bail her out or send the Dora Milaje to retrieve her. And she would always be safe in Wakanda.

"But you might wanna slow down on your homework for hired business," Shuri added jokingly as she watched Riri blush in embarrassment.

The Princess also didn't miss when Riri looked her up and down as she spoke, "You said you wanted to talk to me about something?" If you would stay for just a little while longer...

"Yes, follow me." Shuri led Riri to where a car was and when she took the blanket off of it, it was the car that her father had left behind.

"It took me a while to find every part from the river but it was worth it," The Princess continued.

"It's my dad's car," Riri stated, her eyes getting tearful, "We use to work on it before he-" The Princess understood what lost felt like so she nodded her head, not wanting to bring up a painful memory for Riri.

"I may not have known how important the car was to you at first but I felt responsible on having to give it back to you." Shuri said softly.

The young scientist ran her fingertips gently across the door of the car, "You sure this is every part?"

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