My Queen Goddess

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"Aesira. I will ask you one more time. Do you know him?" The mysterious man waved a photo of Erik in my face as I sighed.

"For bloody Odinson's sake. If I did bloody know him I'd be out of here by now." I lifted my hands to show him the handcuffs. "Oh, but how the tables turn.  I don't know him but you don't know me."  The old-looking guy giggled and began talking again. "You're Aesira Miraseal."

I returned the giggle and threw my head back. "Wrong last name. But in about 30 seconds you'll know." I counted the time as the man who had 'kidnapped' me prepared to fight. Once I reached zero, Kilmonger and Bucky blasted through the door, blowing the shackles off my hands.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my diamond sword from Erik/Kilmonger who pulled me in for a kiss. Before our lips touched, Bucky pulled us apart. "No kissing on my ship," Bucky yelled at us.

"Ok cranky. It's not our fault you couldn't maintain a woman from 1942. You can't even maintain an arm, let alone an attitude." I sassed, continuing my kiss.

"My queen." Erik got on his knees and bowed.

"No need to rub it in. It hasn't happened yet. Up for a visit to my parents' tower? It is quite fantastic if you're not looking to spread blood." I smiled my mother's smile and walked into the driving room.

"Aesira! You are not welcome in the Avengers tower. You have disrespected our members and disobeyed our rules." Tony yelled at me as I walked through the window. I rolled my eyes once again and stared at my mother.

"Oh, they don't know, do they? I'll save you the embarrassment. I mean having a supervillain for a daughter AND having her with The God of Mischief? How low of you, mother. Are you so ashamed of me that you have to hide me from the rest of the world? FROM MY FAMILY? Am I such a disappointment to you? Well, news flash! I'm done hiding in the shadows of the Avengers. The world will know the name you gave to me. It will know my power."

"Aesira. You will not do this. I command you as King of Asgard." Asgard? What did my father think I am? Some petty New York rat? My uncle Thor shot him a look as if my father was lying.

Well, bloody Odin of course he was. My father couldn't be the king in my mother's life. Let alone The King of Asgard. "You wouldn't dare command my Queen. After all, you taught her; 'If you don't go on the edge, you'll never see the view."

I will always have Mystery and Mischief running through my veins. After all, I am the Goddess of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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