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"so where do we start?" Davina is currently in the lab with Bruce and Tony as they prepare the equipment.

"first we identify what your powers are and what they can do" Bruce said while tony handed him a sheet of paper. " ok this is just gonna be quick" Bruce picked up the needle from beside him and inserted it into the girls vein, taking blood.

"what the hell?" Tony said looking at the now black blood easing into the needle, Davina looked at the shocked expression on the men's faces and was confused "what, is something wrong?" she said trying to figure out what's wrong

Bruce looked at the girl "well im not entirely sure, blood isn't typically black" Bruce finished taking the blood and handed the vile to tony for him to start testing it.

"ok well that was the only sample we needed the rest is more physical stuff" Bruce looked slightly nervous as he said that making Davina copy that emotion.

"ok Davina i need you to focus here, we don't know what kind of power you hold" the girl nodded at the mans words "ok i want you to imagine something small, and focus on bringing it to life" Bruce wanted to start with the one thing he does know from seeing her bring an imagine of Asgard the morning before.

Davina thinks about a lot of things with no result , Bruce sighs and put down the notepad he was holding "ok im going to get you to think of the moon, think about its every dent, the colour, any little detail about it you can think of, then picture it in the palm of your hand" Davina nodded then did what he asked.

it took a few seconds before Davina lifted up her hand where a mini version of the moon now lays, the girl laughed at what she just did feeling slightly proud of herself.

both Tony and Bruce walked over to inspect the small act of magic the girl just committed, now confident that they can figure it out.

"ok that's good, that's really good" Bruce started writing it down as the girl smiled at the praise. Tony looked up from what he was doing noticing the small, dead flowers in the room are now lively and vivid, he picks the plant and walks over to the girl showing her, "this flower was dead two minutes ago, was this you?"

the girl was confused as she didn't remember doing anything but Tony already knew the answer to his own question.

"Bruce im going to take her outside for more testing, you coming?"

"yeah ill meet you there"


Tony and Davina where now standing on a training field outside, Steve and Natasha were sparring not to far away.

"ok so here's what i want you to do, you see those plants over there?" Davina nodded looking where tony was pointing to, "i want you to make those flowers bloom" Davina nodded and focused on doing what Tony asked, for ten minutes she tried and tried but it didn't work, she let out a disappointed huff "i cant do it" she felt like she did something wrong, and she didn't realise how scared she was of disappointing the team.

she was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the soft rain that's now spilling from the previously clear, sunny sky.

Tony laughed as he looked at the young girl "listen kid, you cant expect to get it the first try, but look, this was you" Tony's voice bought her back into reality as he pointed to the rain above him, Davina smiled with a small chuckle as she embraced the cold rain falling onto her.

she looked up at tony as he patted her shoulder "you did good kid" those few words gave Davina so much joy that the clouds over her swiftly moved away leaving it back to clear sunny skies.

"listen, if you want, we do group training twice a week. your welcome to join" Davina was slightly in shock by that but managed to conger up a smile and nod "thank you tony, for everything"

Tony smiled "my pleasure".

for the first time in her life Davina felt like she belonged.

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