Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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" I'm gonna be late! " I yell, jumping out of bed. My new Iphone 20+ rose gold 2 year warranty reads 8:50 A.M... And school starts in 10 minutes!!! Oh.. I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Lebron James, I'm just a regular old 17 year old girl, there's really nothing special about me at all.. My phone screen lights up with a text from my bestie, Michael Jordan. " Girlll where are you??? we're gonna be late!! " I roll my eyes, and text back " I'm hurrying girllll " I get my baddie fit on ( pic below 💋 )

 " Girlll where are you??? we're gonna be late!! " I roll my eyes, and text back " I'm hurrying girllll " I get my baddie fit on ( pic below 💋 )

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( dont i look good? dont mind my hairline ) and hurry out the door.
" there you are gurl! i thought you died or something, you don't wanna be late again would you? Mr. Winkledink would have you suspended!! " Michael tuts at me. " well, im sorry! but we dont have time to fight! we have to hurry if we dont wanna be late! "
Me and Michael rush out of the door and run towards the school, " Micheal, we're never gonna make it! "
" Do you lil' shawtys need a ride? " I hear a smooth, deep voice say from behind me. I turn around in suprise and gasp! It's....

" Bugs Bussy? " I stare in awe at his rolex and his gold chain

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" Bugs Bussy? " I stare in awe at his rolex and his gold chain. He smirks at me and winks, " The one and only.. "
Everybody knows who Bugs Bussy is, he's only the most popular boy in school! And the hottest too in my opinion... But everybody knows, he's a playa.. And he's dating Lola Bunny, that stuck up bratty little...
" Anyway, like I said earlier, do you need a ride? " I look up and him, and blush. " S-Sure, B-Bugs Bussy... " Climbing into his 2 million dollar tesla ( did i mention he's rich? his dad is jeff bezos.. now i know where he gets his looks from 😍 ) i'm in the front seat, and Michael is in the back.
He starts playing his hardcore gangsta music ( cocomelon obvs babes, biggest rapper in the game rn )

He starts playing his hardcore gangsta music ( cocomelon obvs babes, biggest rapper in the game rn )

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and im not gonna lie... i think i'm falling for bugs bussy...
as we keep driving me and bugs bussy's hands gradually move closer and closer to eachother until they're intertwined with eachother. he leans over and whispers into my ear.. " you know.. i have a secret i need to tell you.. " but before he can even say anything...
" BABEEE! " i hear a loud obnoxious ass voice yell from somewhere outside, when i look out the window, i see lola bunny waving her hands in the air ahead of us. i should rip that bitches weave off honestly, ugly ass..
bugs bussy sighs and lets go of my hand, " your gonna wanna get in the back.. " i roll my eyes as Lola bunny walks up to the window and looks me up and down, " who the fuck is this, Bugs? "
" your worst nightmare, bitch.. " i whisper under my breathe, getting into the backseat of the car. i dont even give a fuck that im late to school, i just wanna kill this bitch Lola bunny... Bugs Bussy is MINE!
before i know it, im at school. me and michael turn to walk into the school, and she gives me a smirk " i saw you and Bugs Bussy in the front girl... you two are so cute together! "
" oh shut up Michael.... it's nothing, we were just talking... "
" what were you and Bugs Bussy doing..? " I hear a cocky voice from behind me, I can just hear him grinning.. I turn around expecting to find Lola bunny, but my jaw falls open in shock. It's worse than I could imagine... why did... HE... have to overhear our conversation...
who is he you may ask..? i'll tell you... his name is....

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