the only anacondrai

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I woke up to the sound of a loud gong that startled me and made me jump and face plant to the ground "man I need my beauty's sleep" I said as I tried to go back to sleep if I hear that gong one more time I swear and I heard that gong again and I started to grumble in anger,after a while I stretched and heard another feint snap "ow! Jeez I need to get this fixed" I said looking back at my shoulder and I realized I didn't fly that far and slept on a nearby pillar that was near the ship "dang it" I mumbled and facepalm myself.i then saw something darting in the sand heading towards the ship "what the what?" I said as the car stopped in front of a big pile of junk and I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep and succeeded, after a while the people known as jays parents left and I flew off to find Lloyd when night fell.
Time skip
After an hour of flying I stopped by a nearby forest to rest.
But somehow this dream was different than others I saw Zane battling my father and getting saved by a ninja in green and battled father and tossed him of the ship with jays nunchucks and he had fire in his eyes in one hand while the falcon was on his arm "who are you? Kai is that you?" Zane asked and the green ninja didn't answer but Zane saw me and it all became nothing but darkness. "AHH-"I said as I was panting for breath "ok new rule no more sleep" I said as I was panted for breath I shook my head and looked up at the sky "wow I really didn't get much sleep,oh well" I sighed as i took off into the air the strong breeze flowing through my spine-webbing.
After a while of flying I finally found Lloyd with a map in front of his face "hay how's the weather down to there" I said gliding down to him "oh great look who decided to show up" he said crossing his arms and puffing out his chest "look man I'm sorry and ow!" I said as I looked at my whole arm Wich looked swollen "did the serpentine do this?" he asked sounding concerned "no it happened back when you made the hypnobrie build that big tree house of yours" I said shifting back into my normal form "oh" he said before looking at the map he was holding and we both came across a giant crescent that looked like a fang and Lloyd ran to it and started to dust off the door and I followed"the anacondrai the most feared and powerful serpentine of the m all if they're afraid  of the anacondrai then the anacondrai is what they're gonna get" he said trying to do a evil laugh but failed and pushed the doors open,the cave was dark but thankfully Lloyd had a flash light on him he flashed it everywhere and all we could see were a lot of bones.i quickly followed Lloyd for 2 reasons,
1 he had light and 2 because I wasn't a big fan of the dark, we the saw a blueish purple head pop out of nowhere and it made me and Lloyd tumble backwards and the serpentine looked at both of us and said something I thought I would never hear a serpentine say "my sincerest apologies young man and women do to my unfortunate appearance I tend to have an unsettling effect on people,I believe you dropped this" he said handing the flash light to my brother and looking down on us "oh thank you,what happened to the others" he asked turning on his flash light and I followed "poor unfortunate souls all those years locked away with nothing to eat must have slowly stopped away until they were just scales and bones and who my you two be my little appetizers-i mean friend-"

"Lloyd garmadon and that is my little sister, destiny, children of lord garmadon and future dark rulers" he said sounding proud
"Oh ha,ha,ha how deliciously evil, if I had feet oh I'd be trembling in my boots" he said "and uh who are you?" My brother asked "humbly I am pythor pea chums worth and since you both freed me I need turn lee in you service" he said in a charming tone "really? you're not gonna trick us?"

"Oh why would I trick you both? I hardly have any friends"

"I hardly have any friends to"

"You don't say, how would you like to be my loyal Hench men,I've been betrayed by the hypnobrai and the fangpires and I'm looking to get a little revenge on some ninja to" I then notice pythor looking at Lloyd's map with greed "I love revenge oh you don't Floyd" "it's Lloyd" he corrected him "whatever, I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful trio" he said slithering out beside Lloyd and I followed.

Time skip
then they start doing an evil montage and it was kinda fun but not really since all they were doing were small crimes and breaking rules.we then head back to the anacondrai's tomb and they both stuff them selves with candy while I watched and started to make something to help my arm but they continued calling me a 'party pooper' which annoyed the mind out of me "your the best henchmen a master mind could have"

"You're the best mastermind a henchmen could ever have"

Lloyd then started to chuckle but pythor asked "why is it that you have no friends?" craning his neck to look at the sugar filled blonde "Well I could have had friends back at my boarding school for bad boys, but me and destiny decided to run away and never let them see us again" he then did another terrible evil laugh "really? why was your sister there and why would you two run away from making friends?, everybody needs friends,even tyrants"

"Ok one, she was there because of me, and second, she didn't run away from making friends,she ran away because of trauma. And me maybe I yeah,I got kicked out"
He explained and I zoned out on thier conversation and focused on that day when an explosion went off in the old science room and some of the ashes got on parts of my arms,legs,and even my eye Wich left dark scars that I covered up with make up or paint.
"Everyone where is Drake?" I asked running around frantically for my sister who we called Drake, anyway, I was running around until I saw a big group of boys running out of the old science lab "ok is everyone here?" one of them asked "no, where's Drake?" The other asked then they doubled over and started laughing thier butts off "wait he's in there?" I asked "yep he better get out quick because it's gonna blow in 10 seconds!" "I'm going in!" But before I could the lab exploded sending me to the floor and I heard a loud scream from inside I turned and the boys were coming back with fire extinguishers.
After the smoke cleared I looked around for her but what I saw horrified me,she was covered in scars,blood,ashes, and more.i then broke down into tears and started sobbing next to her body and mumbled "this is all my fault"
Flash back ended
I shook my head and saw Lloyd asleep and pythor chuckling and reached for the map but Lloyd moved and he seized his hand back "I'm watching you snake" I said to him giving him a harsh glare.
Time skip
I was on the roof of the school along with Lloyd and pythor "relax we've made the perfect trap, were in broad daylight so there isn't any shadows,but even even if the Ninja could get in-"

"What's that!" Lloyd said loudly and we both turned and saw pythor with a Canon and it fired a net Wich caught a small lizard "good,yeah,good reflexes, I was just testing you,you find all these ninjas their cleverly sneaking thier way right past us at this very moment" he said walking to the left side of the roof and I just gave pythor a annoyed glare.

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