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Maggie broke down into tears and Wentworth hugged her, looking down at the box.

Richie stood there sobbing, staring at the same thing. He fell to his knees and cried, wishing this had just never happened.

There he lied. Michael Tozier. In a casket. Dead. It was only his body that remained. No soul. Richie was torn apart by this.

Mike was on a walk with Richie late in the afternoon, but, they made the wrong turn into and un-identified alleyway. It was spookily silent, but Richie felt safe as long as Mike was next to him.

A man came from around the corner, turning at a sharp speed, and fired the gun he held with two hands. Richie screamed at the top of his lungs as he watched Mike fall to the ground. He kneeled down to try and wake Mike up, but nothing worked.

Blood poured out of the boy's head, and that's when Richie heard yelling, followed by sirens. Everything was muffled, however, for he was screaming and weeping his heart out. He just witnessed his own brother's death.

And now here he was. Breaking down in front of his brother's casket during the body viewing. He hadn't told his friends about it yet, for it had only happened a few days before.

Richie hated crying in front of others. Despised it. But right now, he needed to. Horribly bad. This week, he was missing school. The shooting happened on a Saturday, so he's been off. The body viewing was Tuesday of that week, so really Richie's only missed two days.

Maggie crouched down next to Richie and put her hand on his shoulder, tears trickling down her face as she cried. He turned and hugged her as tight as he possibly could. She hugged him back and they both sobbed into one another.

The funeral was Thursday, and Richie sat through the whole thing, crying lightly. He hadn't gone back to school yet, for he wasn't ready.

The Toziers got home from the funeral and Richie started to walk to his room.

"Richard," Wentworth spoke, and Richie froze.

"Yeah?" he asked, turning and sniffing.

"C'mere." The way Wentworth was speaking didn't sound like he wanted to be sweet and comforting to the boy. Richie walked over slowly, his head hanging low. "Look at me."

Richie looked up at him, but immediately received a slap to the face.

"Wh- dad..?!" Richie protested, voice cracking loud and clear.

"You let my son die. You are responsible for his murder."

"What?! No I'm not! I didn't even see the guy!" Richie sobbed, yelling.

"Don't talk back to me!" Went said as he shoved Richie's shoulder back. "Go to your room before I absolutely lose it on your ass."

Richie broke into a sob and ran to his room. He shut the door and fell into his bed. Richie took his pillow in his hands and screamed into it as harsh as his voice would let him, and broke into more sobs.

He already had to witness his brother's death. He didn't need to be blamed for it. And he sure as hell didn't need an abusive father.

Richie sobbed for the rest of the night, even when Maggie brought him food. He kept his facd hidden and she set it on his mini table, leaving after she kissed his head and hugged him slightly.

It was Friday morning and Richie woke up to loud arguing. He opened his heavy eyes and pulled his head up, looking at his door. All that could be heard was muffled yells and fighting.

Richie began to panic and slipped out of his bed, quickly walking to his door. He left his room and began out to the kitchen where the arguments came from.

"This is quite literally all his fault!" Wentworth screamed.

"No it is not! How the fuck was he supposed to see it coming? Huh? Explain that to me, cunt!" Maggie fought back for Richie.

A tear slipped from Richie's eyes as he listened to the two's constant, back-and-forth bickering. He stormed into the kitchen, tired, upset, and absolutely fed up.

"STOP!" he screamed, and both Wentworth and Maggie looked at him. "Would you both just shut up?! I can't believe I have to be the one to come in here and yell at you both to just shut the FUCK UP!"

"You do NOT curse at me, you ass. Do you know who the fuck you are?!"

"What the hell do you mean?! You're literally cursing at me right now?!" Richie yelped. He had a point.

"I'M the adult. I do whatever the fuck I want, and some little kid like you doesn't tell me otherwise."

"You're such a hypocrite!" Richie yelled.

"I agree. Just because you're older doesn't fucking mean-" Maggie agreed before being cut off.

"Oh you shut the fuck up and stay out of this!" Wentworth spoke evilly.

"I will speak if I want to! I have a right!" Maggie stood up for herself. Richie watched the two as tears rolled down his face.

"I'll take the rights away faster than you can say 'Richard killed my child.'" Went snarled.

"What the actual FUCK is wrong with you?!" Maggie screamed, and Richie's mouth hung open wide. "HE'S RIGHT FUCKING THERE!"


"THEN DON'T DISRESPECT MY SON LIKE THAT!" Wentworth stormed over to her and slapped her so hard in the face in sent her to the ground with a loud yelp.

"DAD!" Richie yelled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP," Wentworth warned, and proceeded to kick Maggie.

"STOP IT!" Richie screamed, fighting back the urge to run up and punch his father.

"RICHIE, CALL THE FUCKING POLICE," Maggie screamed from the ground. Richie began to turn, but as he did, a knife landed in the wall next to him.

"You make one more step and I will beat your ass twice as hard," Went threatened.

Richie cried in fear, squeezing his eyes shut and plugging his ears as Maggie screamed. He pulled the knife out of the wall and ran over to Wentworth.

"LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!" Richie screamed at the top of his lungs, holding the knife up as a threat to stab the man.

"Richard, if you kill me, that makes you responsible for two murders. You don't want to be a murderer, do you?"

"I will if it means you'll be dead. You're insane!"

"Maybe I am." Maggie crawled out of the kitchen, but she caught Went's eye. "Where ya going, Mags?"

"To get the police on your psychotic ass!" she replied weakly. Richie turned his head towards her, but Wentworth found this as an opportunity.

The man grabbed the knife, and grabbed Richie by the neck. Richie screamed and struggled, but couldn't get out of the chokehold.

"You call the police I will kill him right on the spot," the man threatened, and Maggie froze.

"You wouldn't," she murmured.

"Oh? Watch me." Wentworth took the knife and was inches away from stabbing the shit out of his son, and Richie screamed and begged for help.

"STOP! OKAY! STOP IT!" Maggie screamed painfully. Wentworth chuckled and pulled the knife away from the sobbing boy.

"If either of you even try calling the police, I'll make sure you're dead before the second ring." Wentworth shoved Richie away with a kick to the back that made him yelp. "GET OUT OF MY FACE, CUNTBAGS."

Richie glared at him as he cried, crouching slightly. Once the man was gone, Richie crumbled to the floor next to Maggie, who sat up and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, honey," she sobbed, and he hugged her back, crying as well.

"Mom, I'm scared!"

"I know, sweetie, me too. I know."

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