3 - 😭😨

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The losers had sat down in the living room, binge watching their favorite television series. Usually, Richie suggests they watch it and everyone agrees, knowing it's a great show. Though, Richie was zoned out the whole hour. He was staring.

Eddie flicked Richie on the back of the head, who flinched and turned to the shorter boy.

"You've been staring out that window for the past hour. Why?" Eddie asked quietly, and Richie turned his head back towards the window so his tears that crowded his eyes could not be exposed.

Richie shrugged. Eddie sat back and continued to watch the television, thinking about Richie's behavior. Something was off.

Eventually, Beverly walked off, announcing "I'll be back, I need to call my aunt and let her know I'm staying the night." Ben stood and went with her to also call his parents, and everyone said their usual 'bye.'

Once they were gone, Eddie turned back to the TV, eyeing Richie. That boy could not stop staring out of the window.

"Hey, Rich?" Eddie mumbled, but Richie only continued to stare out of the window. Eddie tapped the taller boy's shoulder, causing him to flinch lightly. "Are you okay?" he blurted out.

Richie stared at him and nodded. "Mhm," he mumbled, and Eddie scoffed.

"Yeah right, what's up with you?" Eddie asked. Richie stayed quiet for a minute and Eddie sighed through his nose. "Is it the reason you weren't at school?"

"Eddie shut the fuck up," Richie mumbled lowly.


"Shut up before I start crying," Richie blurted out, only to where Eddie could hear it. Eddie sat there and placed his hand on Richie's shoulder.

"Come with me, right now," Eddie mumbled aggressively, taking Richie's wrist and dragging him up from the couch. "We'll be back," he said sternly.

Once Eddie had successfully dragged Richie into a different room and shut the door, he turned to the taller boy.

"What the hell?" Richie blurted out as he stood in the room.

"Don't play dumb with me, Richie," Eddie said and crossed his arms.

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Stop fucking doing that!"

"What?! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Richie exclaimed.

"Me?! I just wanna know what's wrong with you!"

"There's nothing wrong!"

"Yes there is! You literally said you were gonna cry!"

"And you're not making it any fucking better Eddie!" Richie cried out.

"Well I'm sorry for trying to help you?! I just wanted to know if you were fucking alright or not!"

"If you want to know so bad, then no, no the fuck I'm not!" Richie yelled as he broke down into tears. He couldn't help it. It was just all too much.

Eddie stared at him for a moment until Richie began sobbing and fell to the ground with his hands over his face. Eddie blinked once again and walked over to the boy at a quick pace, kneeling down.

"Hey, hey it's- it's okay," Eddie attempted to say comfortingly.

"No! It's n-not," Richie cried. Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie's broken body and tried to rock him.

"I.." Eddie was speechless. This was not his Richie. This was broken Richie. Someone he's never met before.

"It really just should've been me! I'm the problem, right Eddie? I'm the fucking problem here, and everyone agrees!" Richie screamed with all of the power left in his body as he let it drain. Eddie's eyes were wide and full of tears as he tried to comfort his friend.

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